Would you be nervous if...

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Dec 25, 2002
Houston, TX
you were at an FFL dealer's office and he showed you his suppressed .22 pistol. Only you and him in the whole building. You never met him before. Then, he inserts a loaded magazine into the gun...
you pull of some Bruce lee, put the Matrix to shame, dodge his 500000 rounds, and knock him through a wall.

then brush dust off your suit and release all the ATF confiscated stuff
I don't get nervous around suppressed weapons. However, if I was alone with another guy in a building and he proceeded to load it in front of me, I'd draw my own gun and be ready for a snap shot if he so much as gestured at me with it.

I don't know any FFLs stupid enough to play around like that. If one did, I'd have to assume he was there to tag me.
The simple fact that he loaded the gun would be reason for me to leave and never come back.

I don't care if its a canned 22 or a m2 .
Would I be nervous?

Before, during and after showing the .22 he likely had a completely legal, lager caliber handgun loaded and concealed on his person. That doesn't cause me concern either... He's an FFL. Not a X13, Blood or Crip.

If he'd jacked a round into the chamber, I might have been less comfortable.
Thank you shadan. Your writing is very interesting. I did volunteer for Obama in Philadelphia, but now that his 2 faced ness on the issue of firearms has changed my...



I feel... disillusioned.

Anyways, NICE WORK on ballistics. Now, if only somebody would do the same for common rifle calibers, 5.56 Nato, 7.62 Nato and soviet and rimmed, etc
Would you be nervous if...


you were at an FFL dealer's office and he showed you his suppressed .22 pistol. Only you and him in the whole building. You never met him before. Then, he inserts a loaded magazine into the gun...

Was a Culture Club CD playing in the background whilst he slowly - yet methodicaly unzipped his trousers as he complained about the air conditioning not working?

'Cause that would freak me out a bit.....
you were at an FFL dealer's office and he showed you his suppressed .22 pistol. Only you and him in the whole building. You never met him before. Then, he inserts a loaded magazine into the gun...
*** would I be nervous about? Please take this anti BS somewhere else. Guns don't make people commit crimes. Neither do bullets or suppressors. What about loaded guns makes you so nervous? Maybe you should pick another forum to talk about your childish fears. I pack a loaded gun and I don't mind if others do the same. What reason do I have to fear another man?
I dunno.

I don't think Min posed an unreasonable question. Go elsewhere on this site and you will find plenty of discussion about situational awareness and not walking through life in 'condition white'. Just because someone has an FFL doesn't automatically make him someone to ignore, as I don't ignore someone on the range just because they sport an NRA (or whatever) hat. If they behave in a way outside of my expectation, or that sets off alarms, I notice and make a decision about whether I want to stick around. That doesn't make you fearful - just exercising some judgment about the situation.

I don't think Min posed an unreasonable question. Go elsewhere on this site and you will find plenty of discussion about situational awareness and not walking through life in 'condition white'. Just because someone has an FFL doesn't automatically make him someone to ignore, as I don't ignore someone on the range just because they sport an NRA (or whatever) hat. If they behave in a way outside of my expectation, or that sets off alarms, I notice and make a decision about whether I want to stick around. That doesn't make you fearful - just exercising some judgment about the situation.
The flip side to that coin is that just because a person loads a gun does not mean that they are going to shoot people. Why would puting a loaded magazine into a suppressed pistol turn a normal person into a murderer? Can you give me one good reason that I should bat an eye, without making an anti arguement? The fundamental thinking behind this post is wrong. The thought is that a person + a loaded weapon = suddenly a murderer for no other reason than that the gun is loaded.

If he pointed the gun at me, then I would be nervous. People holding loaded guns do not make me nervous, and if it makes you nervous, maybe you should find a new hobby. Besides, why should I be nervous? I have a loaded gun too. What's the big deal?
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It's one thing to know the guy sitting next to you is carrying concealed, and has been carrying concealed for hours.

It's another thing to be alone with another guy, who then for no apparent reason and without explanation loads his suppressed pistol.

You BET my situational awareness and alert level would jump into the stratosphere. I'd have my hand on my piece as soon as he started to load, and if he didn't respond immediately to my, "Hey ...", I'd draw.
I would think it strange that he puts a magazine in it, but it's no reason to flip out. He isn't going to shoot you, for goodness sakes, he's an FFL dealer, not a murderer. I would be alert at that point, but not neccessarily alarmed.
I would think it strange that he puts a magazine in it, but it's no reason to flip out. He isn't going to shoot you, for goodness sakes, he's an FFL dealer, not a murderer. I would be alert at that point, but not neccessarily alarmed.
Before I start sounding like a loonatic, this is exactly what I was trying to say. I'm not saying that it wouldn't raise an eyebrow that he thought it appropriate to load a pistol in front of me. I'm just saying that I wouldn't be nervous because the gun the bullets and the suppressor, even in combination, do not turn a person into a killer. That's all in the person. I would still be alert, but mostly to the fact that the guy has no sense of respect for other people, since it is rude to load a pistol in front of someone else in a social setting.

I think that the OP has a fear of suppressors and he should deal with that fear.
I've heard of dealers shooting suppressed .22 pistols inside their shops (into a proper backstop I assume). Health/lead reasons aside maybe that was his plan, to lure you to the dark side and the ways of the can. Any other reason for loading it, however, would leave me baffled :neener:
I think if someone slapped a mag into a suppressed pistol in front of me, my first thought would be excitement that I might be able to pass a few rounds through it into a stack of phonebooks or something. Being shot by an FFL would be the last thing on my mind. If seeing someone with a suppressed weapon makes you immediately fearful that they are going to shoot you, you need to deal with that fear, because it is irrational.
If a loaded gun makes you nervous, stay away from gun stores.
He probably had a loaded gun under his shirt anyhow. Plus smoking potential customers is bad for business.

My dealer shoots his silenced 22s into the dirt behind his shop all the time. The fun starts when he pops off some tracers through his silenced HK-91.

I'd have my hand on my piece as soon as he started to load, and if he didn't respond immediately to my, "Hey ...", I'd draw.


This sounds like a good way to get yourself shot.
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