When you die, where are your guns going?

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Some of you don't have a young person in the family that cares to inherit, while others, such as myself, are young but have no guns in the extended family. Sounds like we need some kind of adoption system on this board so that folks can leave their rifles to me. Otherwise I won't inherit any guns or your guns might go to someone ungrateful.:):uhoh:
I'm 21 and live with my folks so my parents would get them. Odds are is that my dad would start to carry it since he already like my gun lol
My wife also has a pistol permit.

My daughter has a permit and my sons should by the time I kick off.

My daughter already has her uncle's .32 H&R and she will probably get his .22 colt woodsman. The boys were not as close to him, they were very young.
My uncle crawled under his house (crawl-space) & put a 16 ga. in his mouth. My aunt didn't find him for almost a month. He left behind no note & about 50 +/- firearms.

What really bugs me is what happened to all of his guns afterward.

My aunt had some "guys" come in and do a re-model of the home so she could sell it. Several guns (mostly handguns) walked right out the door!!

What was left ended up in my brother's possession after he moved her (he owns a moving company) a couple of miles down from her old house (roughly $600 worth of labour), & now they sit in a gun safe in his house.

I guess the reason I'm telling this story is:

If you're like me.... I value my collection of firearms, & with it comes the responsability of making sure that after you're gone, that your guns don't end up "on the street" (construction workers), or maybe with a convicted felon w/ E.A.D. (Explosive Anger Disorder) - my brother.

I'm sorry if my post bothers you in any way.

BTW - My 19 yr. old son has proved to me he can't be a gun owner. His mother didn't do a very good job of raising him after we split up.

He's been convicted of grand theft auto-13 counts, drug poss. w/intent to distrib., & poss. of a stolen LEO's firearm{*bug in one of the cars he stole!} - all by the age of 17!

I plan on giving my guns & ammo to Ted Nugent. I'm sure he'll be able to put them to good use!

That's my two cents.....

I have four kids, two boys and two girls. The kids will get my firearms. The oldest, who just turned 10 last week has been enjoying going shooting with me for a couple of years.

I have given some though however to setting up a "Firearms Trust" where the trust owns the firearms and they can be "checked out" for up to one year by any relative. The trust would be automatically liquidated and firearms distributed if any law made such a trust or private ownership illegal. They could then do with them whatever they deem necessary. I would have to fund the trust and would continue to build the collection with a firearm purchase whenever half the growth of the trust allows a purchase. Half the interest would grow the trust and half would grow the firearms collection.

Of course I don't have moey to set it all up right now, but maybe someday. My friends would each get one firearm from my collection.
A dilemma of sorts ....

My wife has no interest in firearms; my 30-year old kids have no interest; my grandkids, well, there's still some hope that I can influence them. Bottom line: my heirs have no interest in my model trains, firearm collection, extensive tool and machinery collection, motorcycle collection, or 1946 Piper Cub or Cessna 172. (Yes, life has been good, but I worked hard as well.)

I have nightmares about my machine tools and jigs being sold at a yard sale for a quarter apiece; my guns turned in to the police department for disposal; my airplanes being sold for scrap aluminum and steel tubing; my trains and other "clutter" getting put to the curb. It's not the lost monetary value that bothers me, but the fact that things that have brought me so much joy should bring joy to others when I'm gone, but my heirs do not share my enthusiasm for these things. Even kids in the neighborhood have no interest in my "odd" hobbies that were the rage when I was a kid.

Sorry to carry on like this.

Do any of you "geezers" (and I mean that respectfully) out there share this concern?
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