Rimfire match?

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Feb 29, 2008
What happened to the Rimfire Match?
August never even got scored and dissapeared, is there going to be one for September?
gvnwest needed some time off... the dude who was gonna take over got banned... so I think we're gonna need another Timmy.

To put that in non-early nineties sitcomese, we'll need someone to step up and run it.
If nobody else steps up (which I would prefer as I am not the type to organize an event), I will give it a shot...work is slowing down, so it looks like I might even have time to shoot in it. :)
Orlando-Hud and BunnyPuncher got it right, I was short on time, and asked someone to take over, he got banned... Mav, if you would like, and no one else objects, feel free to take over the match for a while.
If I start one (only if Gavin abandons us again), then I will make it a month and a half long affair...to allow for a little more time. If anyone is interested, post a copy, link, photo of your favorite dictator/terrorist, or fingerpainting to use for a target. :)

Gavin, feel free to contact me via PM, E-mail (PM for address), or in forum to get everything set up...keep in mind that you are much better at organizing this than I have a hope to be. ;)
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