You know you are a GUN NUT if...

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Oct 9, 2009
Sunland, California
1.Before going out for for a social engagement you splash a little Hoppe's #9 behind the ears.
2. You take down an armed intruder in your livingroom with a tennis racquet because you can't abide the thought of the Police Department taking your custom 1911 with the weapon light/laser in for a ballistic match.
3. Your non-gun friends never argue with you.
4. Others see the zoo as an educational outing. You see it as a target-rich environment.
5. Your recipe for Thanksgiving turkey starts with "1.) Load the 10 gauge with #4 shot".
6. ?
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....You get a crush on a gun you want to buy, and then proceed to day dream about it all of the time.

(Or in my case, if you refer to your desire for a new gun as a "crush")
When your wife has you rearrange the living room furniture, and when you move the love seat you find a spent .30 Carbine case under it.
Your jeans are begining to wear out from the outside from touching your pocket.
Whenever you think you have X amount of firearms...and upon taking inventory, realizing you have 1 or 2 more than you first thought.

Whenever you spend 15 minutes deciding on what rifle to take out hunting.
You show up at your optometrist for an eye exam appointment with a handgun, a scoped rifle and an iron sighted rifle. When he looks at you in alarm you say, "I know, I know, I forgot the frigging over and under."
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  • ...your family asks you what you want for Christmas/birthday, but they also always have to add, "But not gun stuff".
  • ...if a family member is willing to buy you something gun related, and asks what's on your wish list, you have to find a delicate way to break it to them that, there's not a snowball's chance that they'll be able to afford it.
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  • ...your brother emails you a simple question about a pistol he might like to buy, and you have to reply with a multi-paragraph, history-laden and politically detailed response.
  • ...after said email response, your brother emails back and asks, "Does that mean I should buy it, or not?".
when you hear that something was "love at first sight" you wonder what reticle was used.

You wonder why the Motion Picture Academy doesn't have an award for Best Movie With Guns.
...if you get kicked out of the gun club, and when you ask the board of directors why, the chairman says it's because,

"You're just WAY too into guns man".​
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