Gun ownership questions..

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Nov 7, 2010
10 years ago my father had a supermarket on bankhead hwy in Georgia, he or my mom bought 2 shotguns for the store. My mom just reminded me of this, worried that she might somehow be responsible and wants them back.

First off, is there a way I can find out which one of my parents purchased the shotguns? We have no serial numbers. Is there a way to find these serial numbers? The shotguns were purchased from wallmart or Kmart.

Can we legally go to the store and ask for the guns back?

The store has had 2 other owners after us.
Even though it was a personal purchase? I dont think it was ever written off on
How would she be responsible?

There's no "registration" of guns. So if she gave or "abandoned" them to the new store owners, they're not hers anymore.

If she's worried that someone would hold her liable if they were ever used to hurt someone, stop worrying. That's preposterous.

Super Giant Foods off Bankhead. I think its worth a try. I believe the guns are still there because there used to be break in's twice a month. All the managers OC'd or CC'd. We had our own night security it got so bad. One night a thief climbed through a vent on top of the bathroom and got stuck lol. Another night once the thief broke in and was greeted by the shotgun they ended up knowing each other. What I'm trying to say is, it would take a special person to run that store w/o being armed.

Well, I'm glad to know I can take the weight off her shoulders.
I think that you are out of luck. Imagine that you are the current owner and some guy comes in claiming to be the son of the guy that owned the store years ago and wanted some property that was left behind. As the store has changed hands a couple of times this request is even more unlikely to work.
Just let it go. The shotguns are gone.
Having sold two businesses I can assure you they're history. Generally a sale will involve a building and contents, and that includes everything. I even had one buyer come over with a video camera in advance of closing the sale so he could video everything in the building. Each desk drawer was opened and filmed, all the inventory, all tooling, all of everything. Of course it all depends on the terms of sale.

Then you said there were several owners after the original sale. Realistically, one of the intervening owners took the guns home or sold them. Fuggitaboutit.
We sold a house many years ago and I inadvertantly left a duffle bag in the attic containing my old Army dress uniform and some other surplus gear. A few years later when I realized that I'd forgotten the bag I contacted the buyer who told me it wasn't there. That's exactly what I'd expect the new store owners to say. Close the book and don't worry about it.
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