My first online article/

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Aug 28, 2008
Sherrodsville, OH
Just figured I'd post this up. I was asked to submit articles for another site and here is my first. Kept it simple. I have written classes and obviously posted in forums, but contributing to even a new website is a new thing for me. Hope you like it.

It is a new site so be sure to check it out. Just like any other it needs people like us to make it grow.
Getting Children Outdoors

Excellent article.

I think you did better than I did on my first article. The first one tends to be the most challenging because there's a tendency to spend an extraordinary amount of time getting it "just right."

It also took awhile to find a place to get mine published. I later created a web site to present pictures scaled for range and offset for trajectory and wind. I used it as a filler article there!

Keep up the good work!

Good stuff and the 1st point, Surrender, is outstanding. Makes all the difference.
Good article and some very good points. I've seen a lot of people grow uninterested in hobbies because they have been pushed too hard by their parents and its not fun anymore. Keeping an eye on signs of boredom is a great insight too. I think as responsible gun users we have a duty to teach the younger generations safe and FUN firearm use. Spending all day watching Dad shoot his gun long after growing bored is going to turn youngsters off to shooting.

Great to see you spending time with your kids. Those are memories and pictures that will be cherished for a lifetime.
Nice article and a great start!

If you can keep yourself entertained with your writing your well on the way to keeping your audience entertained.

One very general tip: Omit uneccessary words.
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