Does this mean a national magazine ban is dead in the water?

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Oct 26, 2008
Peoples Republik of New Jersey
Washington, D.C. Attorney General Irving Nathan announced on Friday that David Gregory would NOT be charged for possession of a 30 round magazine that was illegal under D.C. law.

Nathan was appointed by President Obama and could be replaced at any time.

How can a magazine ban be in the works if the President himself will not enforce an existing ban?

Must be that there are not the votes to get it through Congress and a determination has been made that an Executive Order will not work.

Not looking for ad hominem (personal) attacks. This is just a comment on the reality, not a comment on the players.
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Washington, D.C. Attorney General Irving Nathan announced on Friday that David Gregory would NOT be charged for possession of a 30 round magazine that was illegal under D.C. law.

Nathan was appointed by President Obama and could be replaced at any time.

How can a magazine ban be in the works if the President himself will not enforce an existing ban?

Must be that there are not the votes to get it through Congress and a determination has been made that an Executive Order will not work.

I wouldn't bet on it. The elitist Left is subject to a different set of standards than we are- that is, they do whatever they want to do and suffer no consequences; we suffer the consequences of whatever they want to do.

Don't believe for a second that they are worried about appearing hypocritical by saying one thing and doing another- the DC mob has been doing it for years and we've been letting them get away with it.

I doubt that they've shelved anything as an option and now is not the time to develop a sense of complacency.
ide just like to know why they are so eager to pass new laws when they arent even willing to enforce the laws they already have....
You can do little wrong if you are part of their group. Gregory's experience has nothing to do with a potential 10-round magazine restriction.
Laws aren't written for criminals like David Gregory. They are written for law abiding citizens like us.
+1. The conclusion on that seems to be that he only violated the law to educate the public or somesuch, which is not an affirmative defense unless DC law is really quite different than the rest of the planet.
No all that it means is some animals are more equal than others.

Nothing to see here, move along. Gregory is one of the protected classes.
''Does this mean a national magazine ban is dead in the water?''

I wish! No, what it means is that our ''betters'' live by different laws than we do....
Do you get paid to post this on different gun websites?

Nathan was appointed by President Obama and could be replaced at any time.
False. He's a DC AG, not federal AG. He was appointed by the Mayor. Not the President.
How can a magazine ban be in the works if the President himself will not enforce an existing ban?
POTUS has no power over DC, read the Constitution

This has nothing to do with federal issues. IMO, a federal ban isn't likely, but DC law or action have nothing to do with a future magazine ban.
So if I make a video of me robbing a bank and call it educational, I won't be charged. This makes sense, if you're a liberal.
There has also been no news of George Gillett since December.
There was supposed to be an "investigation" into how the the ATF
agent's FN 5-7 pistol was recovered in a Mexican drug cartel gunfight
in Mexico where some Beauty Queen was killed.

He had also been found to have filled out two form 4473's dishonestly.

Apparently, nothing will be done about his violations of US gun laws either.
Just another example of "do as I say, not as I do" to which so many of THEM adhere .


"..... some animals (THEM) are more equal than others."

Quelle surprise!
Only the deaf & blind

Not to be in any way disrespectful of those that are handicapped,but only those that cannot see or hear would swallow the B.S. that is shoveled at the LEGAL gun owner of the U.S.A..

If any have ever read "Animal Farm" then you can sadly see where we are heading.

Unless its changed ,this way its the elite v/s the people,and the people will lose if they continue the way its been.

the meaning of doing something the same way,with an expectation of a different outcome = is mental illness.

The American people are showing that mental sickness of an expectation of a change without CHANGE in our tactics.
Bushmaster1313 said:
Washington, D.C. Attorney General Irving Nathan announced on Friday that David Gregory would NOT be charged for possession of a 30 round magazine that was illegal under D.C. law.

Nathan was appointed by President Obama and could be replaced at any time.

How can a magazine ban be in the works if the President himself will not enforce an existing ban?

Just because a elitists leftie was not charged (they probably decided not to because he had no malevalent intent as well as him being a leftie) iit does not follow there will be no ban.
For there to be a ban, it would have to pass the House, the Senate and be signed by the president. The last two are highly likely but the house will probably not pass it.
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