With reluctance and an apology, I'm getting on the "stop the madness" bandwagon...

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I don't even bother with buying at GB at all.

Unless you're wanting to sell a $200 mag or $2000 AR, then thats where you go for the suckers...
The dust is already settling on ,"The Great Gun Rush Of 2013",
I watched dpms flat top selling 650.00 new, jump to 1550.00. I've seen higher but that was average. Well that was short lived. Already I'm watching the prices come down locally. One of the shops I frequent has one now at 1250.00 And hasn't been able to move it. Along with that, ammunition is making a comeback. It's showing back up, and now it's starting to stick around without flying off the shelves. I would hope that people are starting to figure out that there's not much the antis can do right now with a Rep. controlled House, other than talk. Unless you're in NY or similar, things are starting to simmer down.
Just before the election, I purchased an upper for ~$1500. It was a JP Rifles with a few goodies.

Worth every penny.
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