Joe Biden Admits Gun Control Has Little Effect

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So, why are they proposing such?

It all goes back to the core group of gun grabbers who would like to make posession of all firearms illegal in the USA.
Ahhhh, I'm so glad that there are idiots in politics that constantly insert their feet into their mouths.

If Obama had a smoother talking VP, we might be in a worse situation than we are. Luckily old Joe has the charisma of a week old box of Chinese food.
Ahhhh, I'm so glad that there are idiots in politics that constantly insert their feet into their mouths.

If Obama had a smoother talking VP, we might be in a worse situation than we are. Luckily old Joe has the charisma of a week old box of Chinese food.
Uncle Joe has a gift for that. It's not about guns, it's about control. Nice of him to set the record straight. Too bad the MSM won't report the truth.
So, why are they proposing such?

It all goes back to the core group of gun grabbers who would like to make posession of all firearms illegal in the USA.

Yep. And the political capital they accumulated in the last two elections. The chickens are coming home to roost. The Gun Grabber faction isn't Liberal by any honest estimation. They're totalitarian. They accumulated debt in the last two elections and it's time to collect. President Obama and Vice President Biden may be a lot of things, but chiefly they are calculating, deeply adept politicians. They can read a data sheet as well as anyone, they know that the first AWB did nothing to reduce crime or shootings. But, some folks in the antiRKBA wing helped get them elected, - ARE LOOKING FOR WHO TO SUPPORT IN 2016 - and Obama owes them political favor. Thus, we have "gun control" on the table for purely political reasons -- divorced from policy efficacy.

We would formulate better strategy if we remembered to concentrate on the difference between politics and policy when we present arguments about these topics. Given statements like the OP posted the political agenda is clear. Pitching Obama, Biden and Co. as purely political operators who know the futility of an AWB ban, mag limit, UBC, to reduce crime stands up much better to not only the record of history but also the Average Americans' sense of humanity than trying to vilify them as fascistic, dictators bent on the overthrow of the United States for personal gain.
Uncle Joe has a gift for that. It's not about guns, it's about control. Nice of him to set the record straight. Too bad the MSM won't report the truth.

Isn't CNN, which aired this video, part of the MSM? :eek:
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