Do you try and catch a dropped gun?

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I try to stick my foot under it so it doesn't hit the concrete quite as hard.

I've done that for years, with all kinds of things. Reflex from playing a ton of hackysack in HS/college.

I did it once with a knife without thinking about it. I happened to be wearing sandals at the time. Let's just say that you won't make that mistake twice (fortunately it was just a small folder - it drew blood, but I kept all my toes).

Let it fall. Bad things happen with you don't catch it fully and if the barrel it hot, you may regret catching it (and may even drop it again)!

Years ago I tried to catch a dropped sword and had to explain to my wife what happened to the walls and ceiling when my hand decided that was a bad idea and pulled back a little too late.

you been swordfighting in the living room again?
I've never dropped a gun and I routinely try to slow falling objects with my foot if I do drop something because my hands are full. If going to a range, why are the guns loaded already if they are not a carry weapon? They should be transported unloaded for everyones safety. If it is a carry weapon then why isn't it properly holstered in the first place? Saving a trip is never a good excuse to bypass good gun safety.
I've considered incorporating a "drop" practice into my dry-fire time occasionally, but haven't done so yet. I'm primarily concerned about training myself to actually drop the gun, although I'd imagine doing it once a month or so probably wouldn't instill that habit.

I've only dropped one gun in my life, and it was my concealed carry weapon. My last stop at the end of the day was going to the post office, so I had the gun in the car, and didn't want to make one extra trip when I got home, so I tried to carry it in along with a few other things, and it cost me a rear night sight (and probably an extra few hours of extra daylight radiation from the broken capsule). Never again... It's always worth an extra trip.
Yep, I was the one who posted the two examples of people I know shooting themselves on accident trying to catch a falling gun. I haven't known anyone that dies b/c of it , but those two friends were pretty fortunate they received the wounds they did instead of something much worse.

It's a natural instinct and sometimes can be even more overpowering when dropping an expensive piece that you hold dear to your heart. However, you need to fight the urge. I would like to see some actual stats that were somewhat accurate on how many people actually hurt or kill themselves/others doing this. I bet it happens more often on hunting trips than at the range.
Let it fall. Grabbing at it could lead to an unintended trigger pull with obvious problems ensuing.

Make an extra trip rather than fumbling around.

I've never dropped a gun, but I did once find my cat sitting happily on my bedside table in the sun with his paw and head resting on my Ruger SP101, and the bbl sticking out over open air. When I walked toward him to remove him and ensure the gun did not fall, he of course stood up, and it fell. For an instant I thought I could catch it, but then I caught myself, and let it drop. Put a divot in the floor, but the gun was fine. Thanks Ruger.

I titled that thread "My cat almost shot himself."

This is also part of why I have taken to carrying polymer, common guns like my .45 XDs, rather than my revolvers that I have semi-customized and hand polished. Those are for woods carry, when I am not likely to be carrying groceries or getting in and out of a vehicle a lot. An EDC gun can get bashed up.
there seems to be a rare consensus, let it fall.

I would add this: glass objects fall into that 'let it go' category. I've read dozens of posts over on homebrew forums where folks cut themselves on a carboy that fell. If it is going to be sharp after it hits the floor, best to treat it as sharp on the way down.
Yes. A consensus at THR means either Hades just froze over or the panic is coming to an end.
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