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  1. T

    Moving across the country

    Alright, so what's the best way to move my guns? I have 11 total (7 HG, 4 Rifles). Right now, I'm planning on checking them all through the airline when my wife and I head out. I have talked with the airline and it looks like it will all work out, I will just need 4 cases. Not sure why there...
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    1911 Holster Question

    I'm looking for a pancake/paddle style holster for a 5" 1911 in a full coverage style with retention strap. The problem I have been running into is that the holster makers seem to either make the retention strap only fit with hammer down, or the hammer cocked. Not both. From what I have seen...
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    Remington 870 Express virus Wingmaster??

    I own both a wingmaster and an express model and these are the big differences. I think its a bit more than just cosmetics: Express has a plastic trigger assembly housing, wingmaster a metal one. Wingmaster has a stainless bolt, the express a blued steel version. Wingmaster weighs...
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    870 - Stainless Shell Carrier

    I'm trying to find a stainless steel shell carrier for my 870 Wingmaster. They used to have them, but the newer ones come with a cheap looking blued steel version. Anyone know of any good sites for aftermarket parts or where I can find a stainless steel shell carrier? Trev
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    300 gr HXTP @ 1300 fps??

    Well if you do that Phil, lets us know. I'd be very interested in the results.
  6. T

    Which choke is which?

    that's % of pellets above, not "5" Sorry.
  7. T

    Which choke is which?

    Well here goes. In order of increased constriction: - Cylinder bore - Skeet - Improved - Modified - Light Modified - Full - Xtra Full There are variations in between, but the ones above are the most popular. You may be able to measure, but its probably better to go by relative...
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    Understanding ballistics

    I have found the site below to be very helpful. Have a look and then come back if you have some questions. We'll all be happy to help. I love this site: Trev
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    Bear Defense Thoughts

    From the post above....yes, not being allowed to carry in a Natl Park does frost my butt. Especially one like Glacier or Denali (never been to the latter one though) I understand their reasons, and I think the root cause is the Lowest Common Denominator issue. That being that the law is made...
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    Bear Defense Thoughts

    I grew up in Montana and have backpacked just about all over that area. With the exception of Glacier Natl Park, I have always had a gun with me. The biggest thing I can draw from my experiences and my friends is that a gun can be useful to prevent an attack, not necessarily in stopping an...
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    Flashing in the locker room

    Well I currently don't hold a CCW (PRK), so take my thoughts with a grain of salt. However, I think you've got half the solution down pretty good which is to not draw attention to yourself. I would think though that is there was a way to conceal the firearm in a way that people didn't notice...
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    Economics of handloading - - Compiled Threads

    I am pretty confident in saying that a 50% savings is a good solid rough estimate. You can do a bit better if you shop around, but I would say cutting the cost in half is a good rule of thumb for most calibers. I've paid for my equipment many times over...time to convince the wifey for new...
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    300 gr HXTP @ 1300 fps??

    Well to be honest, I was trying to eak (sp?) some more penetration out of an expanding bullet. The 300 gr XTP seemed like a natural candidate for this. I have seen the hard cast penetrator style bullets, but I think these have a tendency to be a bit to far on the other side of the spectrum and...
  14. T

    300 gr HXTP @ 1300 fps??

    I have a goal of putting the 300 gr Hornandy XTP at a velocity of 1300 (or more if possible) fps from my SRH. I am using H110 powder, and right now I am right at about the max load in my loading books (20 gr). This got me about 1230 fps on my chrono. I am fairly sure the SRH can handle a...