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  1. rfwobbly

    Do wadcutters require a particular seating plug?

    It does mean that you'll need a Taper Crimp die in place of the normal Roll Crimp die. Like so....
  2. rfwobbly

    Alliant Powder suspends shipments

    This is totally unexpected... and has not been discussed. 🤣
  3. rfwobbly

    9mm subsonic.

    I could have sold you an unopened new 8lb jug of Titegroup for $150 !!
  4. rfwobbly

    9mm subsonic.

    ♦ My experience was with 124gr and W231, which I neglected to note. Apologies for the omission. ♦ My guess is ~700fps simply because you can fire the gun, smoke a cigarette, and then walk to the target in time for it to hit. o_O
  5. rfwobbly

    45acp 230gr RN Different Bullet Length Also Means Different Ogive?

    Exactly. To me it's a "P/A problem". The Pressure exerted by the press is too much for the small Area of a tube-type seating anvil that is pressing on the bullet's ogive. You may see indentation "rings" left on the ogive of the bullet where these type anvils have pushed. What filling the anvil...
  6. rfwobbly

    9mm subsonic.

    • Any load that has a bullet velocity less than ~1100 fps is going to be sub-sonic. It's not the brand of the powder or the weight of the bullet, it's the velocity of the projectile that matters. • Your main problem is going to be the difference in the 2 barrel lengths. Powder puff, sub-sonic...
  7. rfwobbly

    What am I doing wrong?

    • OAL is purely a function of fit between the your bullet and your barrel. Nothing else. • OAL has nothing to do with what any manual said, or what you heard on the internet, or what your best buddy told you. Yes, common OALs are published for some common pistols, but not every single one. •...
  8. rfwobbly

    .38 Special-Reloads, or not? Western wadcutters.

    You'll never be able to tell anything about the powder weight from weighing the individual finished cartridges. That has been tried here multiple times. There's simply too much variation in the brass case and bullets.
  9. rfwobbly

    Coated bullets and revolvers

    • For 32 cal, I've really been liking the "polymer coated" bullets from T&B. • To roll crimp or not depends upon amount of bullet-to-case engagement and the violent nature of the recoil. When I shoot cylindrical DEWC seated almost...
  10. rfwobbly

    Hornady Unique case lube

    This is exactly what I've found. On a progressive press, where several cases are being operated on at the same time, what I find is that variations in OAL (made during the Seating operation) vary less when the Sizing operation is lubricated.
  11. rfwobbly

    Light 9mm REVOLVER ONLY reloads?

    • Never that slow, but I've had some revolver loads around 600fps you could visibly see the bullet go downrange. It's a giggle. • If I already owned a 38Spcl or 357M revolver, I'm not sure I would waste money on a 9x19 cylinder. You can do all the powderpuff loads you want with the 38. However...
  12. rfwobbly

    Do you store powder in your MEC bottles?

    I vote "No" and here's the reason.... The canister that the powder was sold in has the ability to dissipate static electricity. It has a slightly conductive surface, either by post-treatment or compounds added to the plastic at the time of molding. Most of us know about the pink "anti-static"...
  13. rfwobbly

    .38 Special-Reloads, or not? Western wadcutters.

    They are 38Special. Max chamber pressure is around 19,000psi. So, shoot them in any 357M handgun, which is tested at a chamber pressure about double of the 38Spcl. That way you'll be safe. ► Read this last statement as: This is the best excuse you'll ever have to go buy that Ruger GP100-6 that...
  14. rfwobbly


    It is std practice to trim "bottleneck" rifle cartridge cases because they "grow" longer due to the action of the full-length "sizing" process. However, "straight wall" auto pistol cartridge cases seem to "grow" shorter over time. So that adding a trimming operation to these only results in a...
  15. rfwobbly

    What Bullet & Powder Would You Use

    • Light to mid-weight bullets. Speer GoldDot, or if I needed volume to do a LOT of testing/development, maybe Berry Hybrid Hollow Points. • With a fast power with flash suppressant, like N320 or N330. (Maybe even BE-86... after a lot of testing.) • I would most definitely be using Federal primers.
  16. rfwobbly


    BE-86 seems to be a somewhat slower powder, just a tad slower than W231/HP38. It also has a flash suppressant. These 2 features make it perfect for self defense loads in higher pressure cartridges. It will be "OK" in 38 Spcl and 45ACP, but it won't be stellar. In fact, when it was first...
  17. rfwobbly

    I dropped my press..

    1) Does the ram still go up/down smoothly ? 2) Does a case in the shell holder still hit the center of the die ? If so, then other items like the primer feed may have been damaged, but the press is OK.
  18. rfwobbly

    Who had a reloading mentor and I’m looking for one local

    I'm sorry. Chuck Connors is a very bad roll model. You need someone more like Quick Draw Mcgraw.
  19. rfwobbly

    Shotshell hulls

    This is my understanding after having reloaded both.... • Winchester AA (gray or red) are supposed to be "the best". (I cannot prove this one way of the other.) These load completely differently than any other Winchester hull. That is to say, different wads, different powders and different press...