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  1. P

    My very rich boss wants "the best" 1911

    The factory customs are neat.... but if I was spending that kind of $$ I'd be wanting more a more personalized design, and some kind of exclusivity. If he just wants a cool 1911, then show him lots of pictures and let him buy whatever looks pretty to him. He doesn't seem like a hardcore...
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    Help me spend $1650....on...guess what?

    Manual safety SAO Pro-Tek 1 with Rami Controls - You'd be the only one who'd have one, and I think it would be an excellent carry gun that can be shot for fun. CCO 1911 of a semi-custom nature Wilson Combat/Cylinder&Slide Kahr. I think Kahr makes an excellent carry gun, and a nearly full...
  3. P

    CZ-85 frame lasts just 30-40K?

    Honest question to the OP: Will your 85 ever see that high of a roundcount? This is not a knock at anyone, but I've noticed that most of the people who worry most about these kind of far-off problems generally never shoot a gun enough to actually come to a conclusion themselves.
  4. P

    high power or baby eagle

    CZ 75 SAO, with a trigger worked by Angus/Mink/Charland/ETC. IMO, it's all the great parts of a Hi-power, with a better trigger and controls. I realize you were wanting to stay within the three; but the baby eagle is largely considered a CZ clone. While there isn't anything wrong with it, I...
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    CZ P01 or Glock 23C

    That strikes me as a terrible trade $$ wise, especially so if your "upgraded trigger" is a Angus job. Post some pics of your P-01 so we can better judge ;)
  6. P

    For Those Who Are Brand Loyal...

    I'm not "brand loyal" per se, I just stick to what works for me. That used to be Sigs, but most of those have since been replaced by CZ's. While I have no qualms with CZ as a company, that's certainly not the reason I buy their pistols. I just shoot them well, and at the moment they are the...
  7. P

    Custom Colt in the!

    The fit and finish of your guns always blows my mind, I've specifically always admired how smooth your magwells looked. If you don't mind me asking (I'm not looking for any trade secrets), what do you do to get such a good blend in that area? Is it simply time and files, applied with a skilled...
  8. P


    While certainly not "weak", I have heard rumblings of particularly newer manufactured guns being reliable, but not durable. Typically I've heard this from USPSA shooters, and guns with higher round counts than typically associated with casual gun owners. I have no experience in the area, and...
  9. P

    polishing barell on CZ

    Atlblis, Agreed. I was talking about fine polishing. I personally wouldn't be interested in hitting my barrel with 400 (or certainly 250). That strikes me as asking for trouble, especially if you are doing that to the lugs. I sent mine to a professional plater/polisher, with directions not...
  10. P

    polishing barell on CZ

    I'm having the barrel of my Tactical Sport polished up as we speak; Should be to me in a week or two. I've seen several other CZ's done up with way, and have yet to hear anyone with a problem. Perhaps worrying over nothing?
  11. P

    Robar NP3 Finish for my CZ?

    Here's one that I know about.... Guy posts here on occasion (Name = Yar). His '75SA worked over by Kory Charland, bomar cut, and NP3'd. It's a sick gun......
  12. P

    CZ 75B Hammer Cam

    Nearly all my CZ's have been worked over, most with the comp Hammer. I have no problems to report with them, and that spans several thousands of rounds. Even my wildest CZ's in terms of trigger work run fine regarding F/F. Mainspring weight is hardly voodoo, just switch them out until you...
  13. P

    CZ-85B vs SW1911

    What's the possibilities of getting your '85C worked on?
  14. P

    Gunsmith thanked me for "letting" him work on my gun

    That's a good looking gun. Good on you for finding and taking care of what appears to be a GREAT 'smith. Having dealt with some who are of less character, I cherish the few I've found that I continue relationships with and try and take good care of them. Gun plumbers usually aren't rich, so...
  15. P

    Highly customized Norinco 1911 better than TRP?

    Assuming similar cost, and a good 'smith doing up the Norinco, I'd take the chinese gun. I know what I want in a 1911, and what I don't; Having a gun built up to my specs appeals to me more than buying a factory gun (though the TRP's aren't at all "bad" 1911's).
  16. P

    What are some good "Sleeper" Semiautos?

    $450 can buy you a lot of handgun, especially if you don't mind buying used. I'd look at: CZ's (especially the 40B) S&W M39 Used Glocks Used Beretta 92's Zastava (imported by Charles Daly at the moment I think) CZ99 Many of those guns above would leave you some money left over for extra...
  17. P

    cz 75 SA vs Witness Elite Match

    Gotcha. I thought I recalled you say something about them somewhere else. Was it the P9 you got your M card with? I'm geared up to shoot Limited/L10 and Production with CZ's. I would like to get an open blaster, but haven't yet formulated how I'm going to go about it yet. Those Tanfoglios...
  18. P

    cz 75 SA vs Witness Elite Match

    For those of you who own the Elite Match in calibers other than 45... How do the pistols run? I've heard conflicting reports of the 9mm/40's, that seems to stem from magazine issues. From my understanding there is a new magazine style out that helps to correct the issues, but these aren't...
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    An Official CZ Club

    This is a good point. Though commercialization certainly has it's benefits, it can also destroy a forum and has been proven to do so many times over. I would like to see CZ onboard simply because I think they could use the exposure, and the potential of them "helping out" the site. They...
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    An Official CZ Club

    Zan, good job on that front page! Slick and clean, I like it a lot. Is that Drupal, or Joomla doing the CMS? I too, like VB, though I haven't much experience with phpBB. Can phpBB provide flexibility, security, and ease of administration comparative to VB? Being as CZF is a volunteer...