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  1. J

    Cleanest BP for .45 Colt?

    Boy howdy, I started this thread over 4 1/2 years ago. And tonight I get a notice somebody responded to it. I have decided several things about black powder. A: Ain't none of it clean. B: I despise Pyrodex with a passion. C: I always full size my cases, I have multiple guns in the same...
  2. J

    S&W wooden presentation boxes

    After three years of searching I finally found my two S&W wooden presentation boxes. One for a Mdl 29, and one for my 25-5. The one for the 25-5 still has the cleaning tools and all the paperwork in it. But it needs the blue cloth like insides replaced, and the exterior finish of the top...
  3. J

    Anyone with new 642 have issues with the internal lock?

    Frank, Best of luck to you too. Take care. Joe
  4. J

    lets see your revo blowup's

    Sorry I can't help with pics of kabooms. I've never had one. Thank God! The pic you posted looks like too much powder to me. Rugers just don't do that unless the pressure goes darn near off the scale. Joe
  5. J

    Anyone with new 642 have issues with the internal lock?

    In the 35 years that I have been shooting I have purchased and owned 10 S&W double action revolvers. Guns from early WW II, a Victory model in 38 S&W to a 25-5 made in the early 80s. I've fired all of them. Some extensively. Loaded for all of them, and worn out a couple of them, by use...
  6. J

    Let's hear it for Barrett !!!... BRAVO!

    Most of the LEOs here in IL cary Glocks. A foreign gun that might be made here, but the parent company is in a foreign country that also has very restrictive gun laws. As much as I apalud Barrett, if the American gun companies boycotted the state govts with restrictive laws, nothing would...
  7. J

    Good News

    Murderers need to be put to death. It doesn't matter who they kill. (Some people think, right or wrong, that people who kill cops get harsher treatment than those who kill regular citizens.) Maybe they do, maybe they don't, but killers like those, need to be executed. And I agree with...
  8. J

    What are you going to with your guns when you die?

    TMM, The GOA is Gun Owners of America ( ) They are one of the pro gun rights organizations that don't compromize when they fight in congress. Joe
  9. J

    "No Target Shooting" California National Forest

    This is the sign I was refering to. This is NO temporary closure due to fire hazards. This area is in an area of the Tonto National Forest NE of Phoenix. The area is desert, not pine or other tree areas. Contrary to the text of this sign it is not, and never was congested. EXCEPT by the...
  10. J

    "No Target Shooting" California National Forest

    It's an epidemic. The NFS closed a big section of the National Forest near Phoenix about 5 years ago. They are just one big anti-gun organization. Yet they allow the quads to tear the forest all to shreads. Go figure. Joe
  11. J

    What are you going to with your guns when you die?

    Since I don't have kids, and probably never will, I'm going to take them with me. Well at least my OM Blackhawk. Seriously though, one will be left to my long time friend in Phoenix. The rest will be willed to the GOA to sell and apply the money to their political fights. This will...
  12. J

    Need help IDing Harrington & Richardson Revolver

    DM, I found the Arms Collectors site when I was trying to deterime the year of manufacture for a H&R Sportsman my mother gave me. It looked almost brand new and I thought maybe late 50s or 60s. Boy was I off. It was made in 33. I was advised to shoot only standard velocity ammo from...
  13. J

    Ruger malf-don't think so

    I can think some advantages: >no leading in the chambers-throats, or barrel. >less expensive than high quality cast bullets. >far better than swauged lead bullets. >more consistant than the cheap commercial cast bullets. However I don't use them much either, I simply don't have a ready...
  14. J

    Ruger malf-don't think so

    critter, I have indeed had that type of problem. Shooting Ranier Coper plated bullets from my OM Blackhawk .45 I had a big section of the copper plating tear off and imbed itself in the forcing cone, and around the edges of same. This caused a jam like you described and also caused the...
  15. J

    Colt Single Action Army?

    Bullet, If indeed your friend has a genuine first gen Colt SAA, new in the box, then the first thing he needs to do is get a factory letter. It will cost, but when verified and authenticated that revolver might be worth a small fortune. I'm not sure about where to find Colt collectors...
  16. J

    Need help IDing Harrington & Richardson Revolver

    Double Maduro, Go to this forum and post about it. They are very good at this. Hopefully you have the gun in your possession as you will need to describe it in great detail, inclusive of the serial number. Joe
  17. J

    Would you temporarily move to an Anti-Gun country if the money was good?

    I moved from Arizona to Illinois thinking the money would be better :uhoh: . Biggest mistake I've ever made in my life :banghead: :fire: :cuss: . Now I lay awake at night hating this place and trying to figure a way to leave. Where's my sign ....... Joe
  18. J

    Gun sales

    Yep, the gun buying frenzy after 9-11 came and went too. You'll be getting a lot of those guns back in the future. Just as soon as the buyers forget about Katrina and N.O. Joe
  19. J

    Who makes your favorite .357/.38 revolver?

    Ruger; GP100 4" Blue Old Model Blackhawk 4 5/8" Joe
  20. J

    GF does NOT like guns...

    Problem = GF does NOT like guns... Solution = Replace anti gun GF with pro gun GF Trying to live under those conditions will only cause you pain and heartache. Better to call it quits and move on. Joe