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  1. S

    "Tribes" by Bill Whittle

    Bill Whittle of Eject! Eject! Eject! just...nails it. The article is long, but one of the finest I've ever read. There is some language, which he warns of at the beginning. The full article is linked at the bottom of this post. An excerpt: "My Tribe consists of organizers and...
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    Man opens fire at MO manufacturing plant / Standoff in St. Louis (merged)

    Standoff in St. Louis Link to story: Thankfully only one guy wounded and he's doing ok at the hospital. The gunman is the only person still inside the office building, and police are trying to talk to him. Earth City is an industrial/office park in...
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    Creepy nighttime encounter - long post

    This is the kind of situation where OC spray is your friend. Get a canister of Fox Labs and keep it in your pocket. Better to be putting your hand on something rather than nothing. Lethal-force options like a knife or a gun would have been way out of proportion to the threat, given your...
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    AWB renewal now on Senate calendar.!!!!!

    Letters away. Luckily both of my Senators are pro-freedom.
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    Did anyone hear from Schnuck's?

    Dierbergs posted signs a little while back but has since taken them down. Shop 'N Save has never posted.
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    Did anyone hear from Schnuck's?

    Not yet. The location on West Florissant is posted, I assume they all are. I wrote them a letter via their consumer connection website.
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    Feel like a little activism?

    I could've sworn - a few weeks back, someone on or perhaps the moccw yahoo group posted a letter they had received from a PR person at Schnucks. The letter indicated that Schnucks would -not- be posting signs. Which location did you see posted?
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    Two More MO Counties Issuing CCW Permits

    Sorry to hear it, sch40. I got my PA permit a week or so ago. My application must have just snuck in under the wire. There's still Florida. More expensive, but they're still issuing and it's good in a lot of states.
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    People you wouldn't expect to be Pro Gunners

    Yes, but what's that got to do with shooting? :evil:
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    Demonstrators Swarm Around Rove's Home

    I think Mr. Rove would do well to pick up a few of these.
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    Someone breaking into your house wakes you up... what do you do?

    I live alone and have multiple locked doors between myself and an intruder breaking in. As soon as I know something's up I'll grab the 12ga, the Surefire and the cell phone. 911 for the police, they can come and get him. If he makes off with property, so be it, that's one reason I have...
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    UK news: Man Who Killed Armed Intruder Jailed Eight Years

    That verdict is just unbelievable. I suppose the Crown would be happier if the homeowner had been killed instead. Stabbing a thug who bursts into your home and sticks a gun in your face is a perfectly reasonable response, and to lock the man up for eight years when all he did was use equal force...
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    Detroit Free Press Actually has a semi-positive gun story

    Thank you, oh Benevolent Generous High Mistress. :rolleyes: Mostly positive article, though, good to see self-defense stories in mainstream press.
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    Editorial, St. Louis Post-Dispatch

    The Post Disgrace is as loony liberal as they come. The fact that the creepy boyfriend can NOT have a permit and STILL be carrying a gun illegally does indeed escape the tiny little mind of a typical PD reader.
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    Draft Letter to Many Editors

    What dischord said. It's gotta be shorter. I'd focus more on the Kennedy amendment, since it looks like your target audience is the rifle hunting crowd. I've spoken to several once-a-year deer hunter guys here at work about it, and none of them, not one, including the guys with NRA hats and...
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    MO: Senate vote keeps gun permit files confidential

    Miller and Newman still have a quarter million in bond money at risk. Perhaps they should be working to reclaim it instead of annoying Jay Nixon. The law clearly states that sheriffs may make "only such inquiries as he deems necessary" when issuing a permit. They just have to revoke the...
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    MMM announces MOTHER'S DAY EVENTS 2004

    Sounds like an opportunity for local High Roaders to make like Protest warriors. :D
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    The "need" argument, again.

    I think the way they're trying to make money by doing this is by avoiding the lawsuits on the horizon. Some fat kid already tried to sue them, claiming he did not know that eating Big Macs for lunch and dinner every day of his life was bad for him :rolleyes: They're getting rid of the...
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    Hey, John Ross!

    Bogie, You probably already know this, but even hunter safety will suffice to fulfill Florida's training requirement. Jay Henges has a (free) class tomorrow and Sunday. That said, -I- see no reason why JR's class wouldn't be valid.
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    Just how inelastic ......

    I don't know about everywhere, but the minute Missouri finally got CCW, Illinois officials were falling all over themselves to remind the St. Louis press that if we drive across the river with a gun, we'll get locked up.