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  1. N

    Can Anyone Please Help Identify This Rifle?

    Glad someone identified this! And now I know why that safety was so familiar looking!
  2. N

    Can Anyone Please Help Identify This Rifle?

    Kinda hard to tell for sure...definitely seems reminiscent of an Arisaka...bolt doesn't look quite right for that though (granted I'm not terribly familiar with all of the variations on them, so it may just be one I don't know!) As for Red Wind...that doesn't look at all like a straight pull...
  3. N

    Moving from CT to VA

    Vamo, CT doesn't recognize any other states permit, however if you move out of state you CAN still keep your permit even as a non-resident as long as you update the address. Just means he can keep on carrying in CT if he comes back without having to try to apply for the permit again, but as a...
  4. N

    Century Arms AK-47 class action lawsuit, bunk though?

    Fair enough Frank! TLDR: They need to prove centuries design could lead to this result. My (Non-lawyer) opinion? Century is going to end up settling and changing the safety design, because a wrong jury/judge could be convinced Century could have foreseen this misuse. However, the case is...
  5. N

    Century Arms AK-47 class action lawsuit, bunk though?

    So basically, they're suing because you can FORCE the gun to fire by pushing the safety way to far in one of 3 conditions: 1) Dust cover off (WHY is there a round in the chamber with the dust cover off?) 2) Bent safety lever (WHY are you using a damaged firearm?) 3) Bent dust cover (WHY are...
  6. N

    Purchase my Novels and Support SAF and NRA

    I've been looking for something to read lately anyways...went ahead and bought both.
  7. N

    Are Gatling guns machine guns?

    There's also kits where you take two 10/22 receivers and can mount them up to fire on a handcrank... A quick google found them: I've also heard of crank kits for semi auto machine gun copies like the M1919 and the like. Check your...
  8. N

    Federal Judge upholds Microstamp Law in California

    Are there even any current production handguns that do microstamp? I heard about a few of the 'smart guns' that require a watch or what not...but not about anyone producing a microstamping one yet...I would think that'd be a pretty strong case for appeal right there.
  9. N

    D-Technik SBR? I have no idea when they'll be back in stock...but worth shooting them an email!
  10. N

    More Than Just A Stock

    You all are missing the point. When you're in the shower with your AR15 with the StockGlock (AR15/SG for short!) and suddenly a ninja climbs through your window and throws open the shower curtain while grabbing the barrel of the AR15, now you can summarily draw the SG and dispatch the intruder...
  11. N

    Russian AK47 question on price?

    No offense, but...honestly it sounds more like you're looking to buy an AK47 because it's "cool" or something like that...and there's nothing wrong with that! I've bought several guns just because I thought they were cool! But...if that IS the case, why does it matter if it's close to Military...
  12. N

    Hartford woman thwarts attack with CCW

    I was actually at work and listening to a police scanner when this happened. It is indeed Hartford Connecticut. And no Tolvo, the North End isn't that nice. It's the worst part of the pretty eh city that is Hartford. Though the suburbs can be nice. West Hartford is very nice town for example.
  13. N

    Who Oversees the BATFE?

    Yes, all that stuff COULD theoretically be interpreted differently by the ATF... But they've shown no reason to. In the past the ATF HAS lost cases related to over judicious interpretation (Thompson Contender?) And didn't they just recently declare that you no longer have created an SBR if you...
  14. N

    Who Oversees the BATFE?

    The problem is...what can really be done? If SIG DOES try to litigate, what are they going to argue? The ATF didn't say the brace is illegal, just using it as a stock. SIG claims the product is meant as an arm brace. ATF says it's legal when used as an arm brace. What grounds would SIG sue on...
  15. N

    Atf open letter on the redesign of “stabilizing braces”

    Smalls, what are you gonna challenge? That using something that looks like a stock as a stock on your legally classified handgun DOESN'T make it an SBR? If they didn't do this, what's to stop someone from making an M4 collapsing stock with some extra weights on it and call it a 'balance' to...
  16. N

    CT Considering More Draconian Gun Control

    Don't be too sure this will pass. While I don't have THAT much faith in our legislature, a lot of time has passed now, and...well, this one might go too far even for OUR legislature. Wait and see if a bill even gets drafted for it. Right now this is just a 'recommendation'.
  17. N

    Time for a long gun as well as hand gun?

    My daily driver is an old Wrangler that for 8 months of the year has a soft top on most... Putting a rifle in it when there would (Literally) be nowhere to hide it? No thanks. On top of has been pointed out, the odds of me needing it are already VERY slim, and the odds of me...
  18. N

    Accident at Local Range

    So...the SKS firing pin managed to pierce the case wall and create enough of a spark to ignite powder? I knew the guns were tough but jeez... Well, at least everyone involved is doing alright!
  19. N

    What's in Your Murse?

    Mine varies slightly by time of day and event but generally it's: FNX-45 with 10rd magazine IWB Galaxy S4 Knife (S&W rescue folder or Victorinox knife) Flashlight (If I have even the slightest thought I'll be out past dark) Wallet Car Keys & House Keys Lens wipe (If I have my classes...
  20. N

    Traveling, Airlines, Firearms

    As Sam said, no big deal at all. Biggest thing is just make sure whatever you're bringing is legal on both ends! As a side note- My experience has been I had an easier time of flying out of and back into Bradley in CT (Pre-Sandy Hook) than I did flying into and out of Tampa International down...