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  1. E

    Minumum stun gun voltage?

    in 10 years there will be no 9mm/40/45 debate but it will all be like this. How much voltage is enough? What signal to put with thaat voltage?
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    Think about this? (What Places are Inappropriate for Concealed Carry?)

    This is purely hypothetical as I'm in England. I'd say no open carry in church, but given the choice i'd like my dad (a minister) to cc at the alter. Hell, he could turn the service into a funeral saving time. and planning. If I were allowed I'd carry everywhere except impractical, ie swimming...
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    Brits: Welcome to America --now go straight to jail

    I'm on the state's side. We have a "manditory" 5 year prison sentance for possesion of a pistol. It never gets used even though it is in law as a minimum. This law is supposed to be a deterent. If a law is there it should be used. I know that this sounds hard line, but there we go. Also they...
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    assuming gun ownership is still legal in europe..

    The law on pistols in the UK is: The are not completely banned as such, but are as good as. People can and do poses them, but not "normal" people. The license for normal guns comes from the local police. The license for pistols (and machine guns) has to come from the home office (part of the...
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    new 700 sps 300 win bolt wont go down any suggestions

    my concern is that the pin will still fall thus firing the gun with the bolt not locked in... could be interesting.
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    new 700 sps 300 win bolt wont go down any suggestions

    +1 on bases, I did that on my gun and I work in a bloody gun shop so should know better. Left me puzzled and my G/F amused for a while.
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    .50 cal suppressor on a Berrett .416???

    There are 2 important things to bear in mind when designing a can: the gas volume and the hole size. Obviously the can must contain the gas otherwise it will either not be effective or burst. The exit hole must be bigger then the bullet. If it is too big there will be too much gas leakage and...
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    Why you have to keep your fingers away from the end of a revolvers' cylinder

    This is my revolver shooting .357 mag just scraping IPSC major. The inset is showing the max flame caught on camera, the main pic is the flame looking all pretty as it builds. Just for reference the barrel is 12" as its the smallest we are allowed in the UK.
  9. E

    How does this work with lead bullets, won't the number just melt off the base? What about lead muzzle loader balls? Buck shot. Will you have to write numbers on every shot in a no12 birdshot cartridge? I feel sorry for you guys, at least our politicians just go after the guns in a blatant way.
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    Shotgun Pics!

    If you want to see wear then I can post a close up of the flame burnished mag tube.
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    Light Mounts and Their Use

    In a HD situation the ranges are so short that a bright (surefire style) light will give enough illumination when shone a a wall, floor, celing or best: a mirror to ID a terget without having to point at the target.
  12. E

    30 rounder for Rem 597

    I've got 3, after soem dry lube they work great, I only load 25 though, cos its a little hard to load 30, but they do feed fine, the only problem is that if they are loaded on an open bolt then they won't feed the first round. So close bolt push in mag then shoot away!!!