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  1. C

    Links to firearms pics? (click on "images") and to a lesser extent
  2. C

    Is the military anti-gun?

    I would agree with the marines being more into guns than AF. I'm USAF and I'd wager that I'm more into guns than most servicemen. I'm an exception- not the rule. Most people I work with in the military think I'm a gun nut. My commander, who probably wouldn't remember what section I work in...
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    Why Do Gun Stores {and Shows} Get A Pass?

    this is going to sound like a stupid question, but are there any documented cases of armed robberies at gun shows? I mean- how DUMB can you be?
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    Daly HP Clone?

    I've handled browning, FM and Chuck daily and the FM and browning both feel (to me) to be better quality than the CD HP. Call it what you will- on the FM M95, the springs felt tighter and smoother, the finish looked better.. Just all around a better pistol.
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    H&K USP vs H&K P2000

    They're two different kinds of pistol. IIRC, the p2000 series are internal striker based and the USP series has external hammers. there are other differences too though.
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    Lord of War Critical Review

    ABSOLUTELY CORRECT! excellent review.
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    need info quick!

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    need info quick!

    my mom is doing a powerpoint presentation on guns for her computer class and needs some gun-related statistics for a chart/spreadsheet etc. Anyone got any ideas?:uhoh: :confused:
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    finally getting my M14

    No "da switch", but it's all USGI parts so it's as close to the real thing as you can get without paying far out your... wallet. :evil:
  10. C

    finally getting my M14

    YAY! I'm finally getting my M14! Fulton Armory M14 service rifle, "M21" receiver, NM trigger, ARMS scope mount, new walnut stock. They said it should be finished in 4 months. about time too.. I've been going through that gun pre-buyer's syndrome of purchasing acessories, ammo and mags...
  11. C

    Boston gun buybacks announced.

    I still think it'd be a great idea to set up a "I'll pay more to buy back your guns: competative pricing!" booth next to the entrance to the gun buyback.
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    Whining from Iraq, FIGMO!

    THR was blocked while I was deployed to Qatar so I ended up posting on while I was in the sandbox. Oleg's photo site was also blocked under "lifestyles" IIRC.
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    How to destroy America

    Mexico is land stolen from the natives by the Spanish. How come there aren't people whining and complaining that they lost their heritage and language to the Spanish conquerors? RETURN MEXICO TO THE AZTECS! If I was a woman, I would be offended by your use of the term "feminizing". LMAO.
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    Defining One's Gun Collection

    "stuff I picked up here and there."
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    Our 20 May 06 Alamogordo NM Shooters Get-Together

    looks like fun. Maybe I'll show up someday.
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    The Order Of The Purple Thumb

    never happened to me I've got a pretty nasty blood blister from a slide pinch (handgun) before
  17. C

    vehicle accident self-extraction - the OEF_VET way

    I guess there's more to the saying "guns are mere tools" than I thought :neener:
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    Got the pigsticker!

    I like the one for my 91/30 better. But I'm afraid if I put it on, It'd never come off!:uhoh:
  19. C

    What finish for this Bubbification?

    I like the bedliner idea.
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    What Rifle for Graduation Gift?

    get him a nice M1 Service rifle. :D with 5 round enblocs you can hunt with it.