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  1. J

    Beginners M4 selection help please.

    A local dealer - rural Minnesota - has a DPMS 16" carbine in stock, priced at $699. This is without the rear sight/carry handle, though. The handle is around $30 more. DPMS is a solid manufacturer; I wouldn't be afraid to buy one. I looked at the carbine for my wife, but didn't get it. jb
  2. J

    Buying 9mm Luger ammunition

    If Wal-Mart has ten of the 100-round value packs, buy 'em. Buying in case lots isn't going to be less expensive. I have a case of 1000 coming today from Ammoman - $189 delivered. JB
  3. J

    Bandit at 8 oclock high!

    "T think that is called, '8 o'clock low'." Negative, Ghost Rider; he has it right. The clock position tells which direction to look - again, with 12 being directly in front, 6 directly behind, 9 is 90 degrees left and 3 is 90 degrees right. It's a reference to a lateral direction. The...
  4. J

    Rambo sighting in Iraq

    Hah! The comments were even funnier than the photo. Where do these people come from? JB
  5. J

    Villistas armed to the teeth!

    In the photo of Villa with General Pershing - and another - he appears to have considerable 'bulk' beneath his jacket. I wouldn't be too amazed to see two handguns and a bunch of ammo under there. JB
  6. J

    Why we are here: asymmetric warfare.

    Arfin Greebly wrote: "Common goals. As Americans, what are the goals we have in common? Sorry, no Gallup poll for this one. Americans have some things in common that could be called irreducible minimums. We want to be healthy. We want our kids to grow up and succeed. We...
  7. J

    Best not call "shotgun" for the front seat I guess...

    Wait a minute! March 1st? What makes it newsworthy today? JB
  8. J

    Next Pistol Will Be A HiPower... But Which One?

    I've got two of 'em. The one I've had a while is an FN Israeli military import, made in 1990. It has the black paint finish, and is my 'car' gun. It goes with me nearly every day. The other is a Browning that I recently acquired. It's a 1989 Mk. III with the ambi safety and firing-pin block...
  9. J

    going wild boar hunting

    I've been tossin' the idea around for a year or two myself. My son and a brother-in-law would also enjoy it. I'm thinking that a .54 cal. muzzle-loader ought to be a fine rifle for piggies. I would, of course, back it up with a .44 mag Model 29. A fairly hard 400-grain mini-ball should...
  10. J

    Alternative to the Big 50 BMG

    Wouldn't the .45-70 bullet be about 60-80 feet (instead of 13 feet) above the line of sight at 1000 yards? The table in an earlier post showed a 25 foot drop (300 inches) at 500 yards. I seem to recall that with that caliber, you could sight a target at 1000 yards through the front & back...
  11. J

    Florida Non-Resident CCW Permit

    Mine took 114 days, back in '03. It's supposed to take no more than 90 but someone misplaced the FBI check and they claimed it wasn't received yet. It took a number of phone calls to get it all done. By the way, there's no such thing as a non-resident Florida license. They're all the same...
  12. J

    Wore my Kalashnikitty shirt to elementry school (I love living in ND)

    Umm,, silicon wolverine - can you say "High Road"? I knew you could. Low road, methinks. JB
  13. J

    Life and Death in Ramadi, Iraq

    NavyDoc: My son will be in your neighborhood in a few weeks - he's a 13F, Minnesota NG. I pray that you never learn who he is! Thanks for your service and your words here. You're doing a fine thing. JB
  14. J

    Strange Tip Today

    Sometimes it works the other way, too: My son was home from Camp Shelby, MS, this past Christmas. They'd been having trouble with a partially clogged sewer for a week or two, so he called a plumber (he was employed by a large P&H contractor before he was called up but all their guys were...
  15. J

    now I am looking to purchase a .40 cal

    I know of... I heard that... A guy at work bought... Do any of you gunstore cowboys actually *own* a Sigma? Have you held one? Seen one? C'mon, the guys a newbie; cut him some slack. Maybe he ain't a millionaire. Would you prefer he buys a Hi-Point instead of a Sigma? Maybe a Lorcin...
  16. J

    So tell me about South Dakota.

    Bah! Rapid City is the Banana Belt of the midwest. It rarely gets really cold there. They have many 50+ degree days throughout winter. When it's *cold* here in Minnesota, Rapid will be experiencing Denver-like Chinook winds, and have 55 degrees. Their snow is wimpy as well. Go to *North* Dakota...
  17. J

    The 100 yard 870 - how?

    I shoot a thirty-year old 870 Wingmaster with a factory slug barrel. No rifling, open sights (which are in the same setting as when out of the box 25 years ago). I've only used the cheap rifled slugs from Federal or Remington and they're very consistent at 100 yards. Minute of paper plate is...
  18. J

    Report: Army could be near breaking point

    I beg to differ about the Army's pay. My younger son, a Staff Sgt (E6) is on deployment for the MN Guard. He's at Camp Shelby, training for a spring deployment to Iraq. He's a college grad in Construction Management, currently making much more than he would on the job in the Minneapolis area...
  19. J

    Thoughts on the .243

    How 'bout using the .243 for prairie dogs? In my opinion, it has two negatives: fairly high recoil (compared to say, a .223) and relatively high ammo costs, both important when you shoot several hundred rounds a day. I ask because one of my sons would like to go shoot dogs with me. He doesn't...
  20. J

    "The Knife Store"

    Well, I may have made a mistake. I have corresponded via email with the store; they're out of stock and have offered to refund my money. Why my card was charged before they shipped is a puzzlement, though. I believe that to be against the law. The phone number from Directory Assistance belongs...