I carry simply for self defense. A gun is a useful tool if you need to defend yourself or others in a dire situation. The logic is clear enough to me.
As far as maturity goes, getting a permission slip from the state (the necessity of which irks me) has had no effect on my level of personal...
I have gotta go with Indiana. CCW permits are relatively painless to get and the service is prompt. No waiting periods either. You may need a CCW permit to negate the waiting period, I am not sure.
The only problem is that we (on the border anyway) get inundated with folks from Illinois...
That is idiotic. If a foolish concept like this one ever takes root in reality, I sure hope the "inventor" is held liable when it backfires and renders an innocent person unable to defend him or herself.
I used to take a lot of guns to the range. I just don't have the time to shoot or clean a lot of guns anymore though. Usually, I bring 2 rifles or 3 handguns.
I always carry a fully loaded extra magazine. When I carry my Glock 19 that means an extra 15 rounds. When I carry my sub-compact XD, that means an extra 9.
Excuse me. If it comes down to that I have a rifle in my trunk and an entire case of ammo thank you very much.
You should have asked me this a year ago. I put my money where my mouth is and moved from Illinois to Indiana. Best choice I ever made. The commute to work is a little longer, but it is worth it. The only thing that burns me up is that I pay income tax to Illinois (employer is in Illinois...
Some gun shows are just plain bad, I will give you that. There are some decent ones out there though. I cannot help but think that some people have unreal expectations about most shows. Yes, you are going to see someone trying to sell old cabbage patch dolls. Yes, that weird guy with the...
I am so tired of hearing that line. Show me a store in my area that treats me decent, has fair prices right off the bat (I do not enjoy haggling and I am not good at it), and does not keep banker's hours and I will show you my money. If I lived in Draper, UT I would go to that one mod's store...
I never have and I intend to keep it that way. I do not practice dry firing and I never put my finger near the trigger unless I intend to shoot or need to for field stripping reasons. At home, my guns are always either locked in my safe, in a holster, or disassembled and being cleaned.
He is not anti-gun, but my brother (an Illinois resident) has some inconsistencies regarding guns that he must work through. For example, he claims to be very pro-second amendment, pro-self defense, but he finds the idea of non-LEO concealed carry scary. He nearly had a coronary when I told...
I choose not to post the message I originally intended. All I will say is that this type of stuff is a smoke screen to erode our rights and that I intend to open my pocket book more to organizations like the Electronic Freedom Frontier and less to republican shill groups like the NRA.
I had one nutcase decide to start shooting while I and a few others were downrange. Unsafe handing is bad, but shooting while others are downrange is terrible. That is what I don't like to see.
Lets see. There was the time I heard a sales clerk talking about how strong Ruger revolvers are. Apparently he knew someone who had a Ruger in .357. The story goes his friend got a squib but did not notice it and proceeded to fire the remaining cartridges in the cylinder chambers. When he...
That is hardly accurate. I could turn it around and say that older people are nothing but lazy wanna-be socialists who are mostly concerned with sucking more money out of social security than they put in (compounding interest taken into account), feel entitled to free medical care, and want an...
Good for Mexico.
You have echoed my sentiments exactly. I really don't care what consenting adults do as long as long as they do not harm others and it is not done on my hard earned earned dollar, which the .gov helps itself to with a generous hand via taxes.
I work in a small office and the subject has come up once or twice. A couple people were interested in shooting, but had no real drive to actually try it for themselves. The biggest surprise came from the owner. We were talking one day about shooting in general and he said that he felt that...
I had to go with S&W on this one. I have had major quality control issues with Taurus revolvers and, for whatever reason, I have never been able to shoot a Ruger revolver with anything approaching the degree of accuracy that I can achieve with S&W revolvers.
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