I just bought a 2008 WRX, not doing much to it yet as it had 6 miles on the clock... but give me a couple months and I'll be tinkerin
I'm a PC gamer, that's not terribly expensive but I do spend a lot on hardware
I used to be a big outdoorsman, kayaking/rafting, backpacking, climbing...
not on the glock, I've used them on m9/92fs and I dont like them. they fatten the grip too much and make the mag release harder to hit, and when I index my trigger finger down the slide while not actively firing it blocks the laser. make sure you try before you get itchy and order it.
what I wonder is how they'll define defensive firearms.
Im an army medic (68w) and we're only permitted defensive weaponry, this means no crew served weapons (m249 is iffy) and no offensive weaponry such as grenades ect. we're limited to small arms (though they can be automatic, m16a1-a4 for...
I dont understand how one can just throw in a different barrel and convert to 9mm, the case head is different. you'd need a different extractor and ejector...
how does that work?
I thoroughly enjoy watching your vids (I downloaded most of them from your website already)
I'd been thinking about getting into multi-gun competition, these have inspired a big kick start in that line of thought (though I'll be shooting for tactical division)
keep it up
I've got a couple little pieces from the army that say I'm an expert (pistol, rifle)
I'm a unit armorer
I'm a marksmanship instructor (m16/m9)
but I am not an expert. that's a very iffy title to assign yourself
I'm looking at the official rules and they all refer to .44 and larger for major
so 9mm/.40/.357sig are all in the same power group?
that makes it a pretty easy choice...
if I could only have 6 handguns for the rest of my life...
1. glock 34 (9mm longslide) for competition
2. glock 26 (9mm sub-compact) for regular use CCW
3. kahr pm9 for deep concelement
4. 5" .44 magnum for wilderness defense and general big bore fun
5. Browning Buckmark .22, ruger Mark...
there are a couple good reasons for this
a. it's harder to identify a designated marksman
b. familiarity, muscle memory is the same, the weapon is set up the same all around, makes training easier
I'm still waiting for my colorado chp in the mail
I was told up to 3 weeks, it's been a 1 and a 1/2 and I'm getting antsy
my buddy said he got his in 12 days, so I'll be checking the mail every day
why VA and CO cant work something out on reciprocity is beyond me. the laws are almost...
well the 24/7 will tide me over for now, but I really cant stand it's trigger. the long reset is what gets me, I wish I could fix that (like trade it in for a 24/7 pro)
eventually I'd like to pick up a g34 for a competition gun to compliment the 26, I think it might be a good place to start...
I've been an avid shooter for years but I've never been in active competition. My shooting had really dropped off when I enlisted but I've gotten back into the swing of things and go up to the mountains at least every other week. Well I just ordered a CMMG AR-15 (14.5" 1/7 fixed flash a4...
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