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  1. R

    Shooting objects on the ground

    Where I shoot, we often place our targets low to the ground since the backstop is fairly low. Doesnt cause any problems with the rifles but I have trouble staying accurate with my 9mm (Sig P226). Most of my shots are taken standing or kneeling but the target is always lower than my gun. Any...
  2. R

    30 rounder for Rem 597

    So I just found 30 round magazines available for the Remington 597 .22LR. I have this rifle and will be picking up one of these mags in the near future. Any one else get one yet? Im curious as to how well they work with the 597, as Ive never seen anything over 10 rounds for these before.
  3. R

    Cheap .22 pistol

    I just posted this in the trading post: Im looking to get a .22 pistol, preferably semi-auto for about as cheap as possible. Looks are second to function, just want a nice shooter to work on form and teach girlfriend with. So now I'd like some input as to what would be a good choice? Its...
  4. R

    What else might i need for winchester 1300?

    Thanks for the info guys, got to shoot it and it does fine, will look into the hi-viz and chokes soon.
  5. R

    What else might i need for winchester 1300?

    Relatively new to shotguns, got a used win 1300. Plan on taking bird hunting, what might i want/need to get for it? Or is it just fine in stock factory form? thanks for any advice
  6. R

    Proper handgun grip

    Awesome guys, thanks for all the assistance. Im going to print all this out and see what I can do next time Im out (which should be this weekend!). I definitely will be experimenting with grip because I think I need to tighten mine up a bit and get my left hand more involved.
  7. R

    Proper handgun grip

    id say that many are missed low, only problem is a lot of the targets im shooting at are placed low. But definitely missing low, yes. Where i mostly shoot (in a field) the bunker/backstop is not high enough to really shoot chest or head high targets, unfortunatley im usually aiming at waist...
  8. R

    Proper handgun grip

    Got a Sig 226 9mm and have been thinking about how to be more accurate, wondering if my grip might be holding me back. Are there any photos that show good grip technique or what other ways could i increase accuracy? I'm thinking that I have a target sighted in well, but then I am off when...
  9. R

    870 wingmaster price

    what kind of prices are you guys seeing these go for? Particularly used models in good functioning condition (cosmetics not a huge factor for me). I havent been able to find any locally yet.
  10. R

    ? for 870 experts, which variant...

    thanks a ton, very helpful response! I prefer supporting my gun shop so I'll check with them first, but at least i know what to look for. THanks again
  11. R

    Gov't firearm selection

    Any one familiar with how the govt agencies, armed forces, police, etc. select which firearms and makers to use for duty? Ive heard different thoughts saying it comes down to who contracts the lowest offer but there's gotta be more to it than that. What goes into the choice of caliber, arms...
  12. R

    ? for 870 experts, which variant...

    So i have made my choice to pick up a Rem 870 as my first shotgun (have fired many, but not owned). I only want to spend around 300 for the gun alone (add on accessories and ammo, etc.) so Ive looked at the wal-mart site, there prices are good and there are a lot of slight differences in the...
  13. R

    $200 to spend on a handgun - what do you get?

    Agreed with the $300 option, just was out looking for a "cheap" pistol for a female friend, and not finding much for 200 or so but once you move up to $300 all kinds of options, even found a S&W 586 revolver (with holster wear but hey). For 2 bills your gonna be looking at makarov or similar...
  14. R

    Options for recoating/bluing?

    What options are out there for refinishing an originally blued handgun? It'd be nice to do a durable finish like Tennifer or something but can this be esaily done to a regular steel or alloy frame pistol that came factory blued? If so, any experiences, suggested finshes, places to get it done...
  15. R

    Cleaning after shooting corrosive ammo

    Thanks guys, hadnt heard the water soluble tip before but it makes sense. The ammo I'm using is the Yugo milsurplus and is corrosive, probably made in the 70s but this stuff lasts forever and is widely available at the shops, unlike Wolf these days
  16. R

    Cleaning after shooting corrosive ammo

    What would be the proper technique for cleaning a rifle (AK in this case) after shooting corrosive? I've heard using Windex does the job but should be used when? After the regular nitro cleaner is used? And should the barrel be run with a dry patch after or do you leave it in like gun oil...
  17. R

    Shortage of Wolf ammo

    This has been on here before but just heard from the gun shop why...Apparently Wolf has been given the contract to produce 7.62 ammo for the Iraq effort and is concentrating on meeting that fulfillment before shipping back here to the States. So there is no approximation of when we will get...
  18. R

    Non resident purchase (within U.S)

    I am a recent graduate, hence the perm and temp addresses. Will be moving again so no reason to change everything. Looks like I'll have to go "home" for next firearm purchase.
  19. R

    Buying from CDNN, yes or no

    Thanks a ton guys, you helped make up my mind to give it a shot. At first I was a little hesitant as far as the prices being so low but with so much positive reviews I think I will try my luck. Sounds like they will be easy to work with if I am not satisfied. Now just have to narrow down...
  20. R

    Buying from CDNN, yes or no

    Found what seem to be some killer deals on the CDNNsports website. Mainly interested in the price on new USPs (less than most people/shops are selling their used) and they had some used SIGs on there. Wondering if CDNN is a good source to buy from, and how they pull off these prices-are there...