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  1. MilitaryArms

    CZ P10

    What manufacturers have learned is that all sorts of people claim they want a 10mm until it comes time to buy said 10mm. 10mm's linger on shelves, mostly due to cost of ownership. The companies that have made them usually stop making them because of poor sales. I love 10mm, but I only have a...
  2. MilitaryArms

    CZ P10

    That would be logical, but CZ has announced the pricing for the P10 and it's currently $500 MSRP. Perhaps they will lower the price over time. I've not seen the dealer pricing from distributors yet, but I suspect dealer cost will be in the $420 neighborhood. That means some places like Buds...
  3. MilitaryArms

    Happy Thanksgiving from CZ

    I wouldn't hold my breath. The magazine prices will be the same as the P07/P09 pistols given the mags are identical sans one extra cut for the ambi-mag release.
  4. MilitaryArms

    PPS 43C Pistol for CC ?

    I wouldn't carry one as a concealed weapon, it's just not practical given the size and weight of the gun. With that being said, they're not the most reliable guns. I have two of them and a common issue is light primer strikes. The guns were designed to fire from an open bolt. Due to silly US...
  5. MilitaryArms

    Happy Thanksgiving from CZ

    I would say that makes it rather unique. The only other CZ striker fired guns out there are the old CZ100 and CZ110's, which were long ago abandon. :D The P10C has a leg up on the Glock in a couple of areas. 1) Price. At a MSRP of $500 that means we'll likely see them on shelves for $460 to...
  6. MilitaryArms

    CZ P10

    It's neat, but I don't know about a "game changer". I detect a bit of sarcasm in your virtual voice. :D Here's how I see the pistol in the market. While I can't say it's "better" than anything else currently out there for a number of reasons, most notably of them being my limited experience...