I've drooled over a cz hammercoach for awhile now. Handled a couple. Fit, finish and overall appearance: simply beautiful. I've heard nothing but good things about the cz coachgun... Of course there's the ever present 'misfire' someone talks about with nearly every SxS... Overall: alot of...
Colt. It's the only true 1911. All others are clones. SA makes a very good clone, Kimber can be sketchy. Colt uses the fewest MIM parts, has the resale/collector value, history... Need I go on?!
Functionally, the SA and Colt are relatively equal. With either of these, a change of magazine...
The ONLY magazines Ive never had an issue with (used in Springfileds and Colt 1911) are Tripp 7 round magazines. Everyother mag has had an issue... May have been only one or two ftf, but a failure none the less. Tripp: perfection.
Given that, the deisgned of the 1911 calls for 7 round mags...
To buy anything but a COLT 1911 is kind of like celebrating YOUR birthday on your step-child's birthday...
Sure, they're your kid, and they may even resemble you... but there's no genetic, blood relation... not to mention, you don't even have the same birthday... plus you're seperated by 50+...
I won't dispute that birdshot COULD be effective, given the right scenario and proper shot placement.
Given the dynamics of SHTF, your best option is to shoot center mass using the most effective weapon system at your disposal. Birdshot is NOT the most CONSISTENTLY...
Be reminded that the shotgun, should you get it, isn't the ideal "search" weapon... its more suited (for non LEO/Military types) to stationary defense... aka: "bunkering-down", pinning a doorway, etc. I suppose that goes for any long gun...
As for loads... buckshot for home defense or don't...
Having a 12gauge handy is NEVER a bad idea. Given that, whatever you have to use for defense, just make sure you're very familiar with it/them and are well practiced.
The adage about a man with one gun is true... However that same man with two guns (and just as well practiced) is that much...
The stoeger I held seemed heavier than the cz hammer coach... But I handled them months apart... Either way, 2 barrels are gonna tack on some lbs.
I'm "addicted" to certain firearms:
1. Colt 1911
2. Colt Single Action Army
3. Coach guns (CZ particularly).
So getting to mess around with one of...
Well I was never as close to buying a cz hammer coach as I thought! Lol. I still don't have one.
Local shop had a parking lot sale and show. CZ was there.
Handled some of their weapons and Ill tell you what... Their long guns are really friggin nice folks! Real nice! Handled a...
Man... You party poopers! Lol
I have a box of the BB 255@1000 already... So that's good enough medicine?! I know it's also safe out of my soon to be Colt SAA... but figured the Smith was stronger than the ole Colt single action...
Boy o' boy... The decisions we must make in life! Maybe I...
Thanks for the replies.
This load would only be fired if by some God aweful chance it needed to be used on a hike/camp trip against a big mean critter. It would not be used for casual shooting or hunting. At most a couple test rounds once then never again until the possible shtf.
Ok. I've heard that corbons 45 colt, 335gr load at 1050 is perfectly safe in a S&W model 25.
1. Is this the case?
2. Anyone know the saami of this load? Lindbaugh claims the MAX saami for the s&w model 25 is 32,000 psi.
Let's discuss! Thanks!
Thanks for the link! Colt has their sheriff/storekeeper models too. They are nice, but I'm thinking DA. My SA will be a Colt SAA with a 5.5" barrel.
Would it be possible to have a model 25 chopped up to look similar to these 625-11's?! How about a 629 PC snubbie in 44 mag refitted to 45 Colt?!
What would be more efficient?! More plausible?!
I carry a Smith 340 M&P loaded with federal 125 gr hp's. Call me a freak, but I love letting loose a cylinder of those pups from my lightweight 5 shot!
Of course, after 5 rounds, my hand is numb... IMO: that's telling me I'm well armed!!!
Now 357s out of a steel revolver is kids play to me.
So if a 1911 shouldn't be carried condition 1 because you may fumble or forget to disengage the thumb safety... should a 1911 be carried without a round in the chamber, thus forcing one to rack the slide (a much more involved maneuver)???
Sorry, but this is poor rationale.
If you carry a...
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