Repeating the above, great set of photos of great Americans.
If anyone wants to see the discussion of these photos when they were first posted:
Well, the US Army prints and distributes manual on how to use the foreign (enemy) weapons including how to load, cock, aim, clean and maintain. Here is one for AK-47 type rifles:
I assume they do this to train US troop on...
I understand US troops are currently trained to pick up enemy weapons when attacking and use them to press an attack or to fend off counter attacks. I believe standard procedure is to use the captured weapons until you run out of captured ammo then go back to own weapon.
I’ve also have...
Correct, at least they used to:
Great idea, already been done:
A number of counties that are maybe not the best of buddies with the United States have standard military rounds that are similar to the 5.56x45 mm NATO round the U.S. uses (Russia and other former USSR and Warsaw Pact counties use the 5.45x39 mm round, the People’s Republic of China uses the...
Wait a minute.
Most gas operated semi-auto rifles have a rotating bolt, that locks and unlocks like a manual bolt rifle, do they not? The operating rod pushes back on the bolt carrier, which rotates the bolt (during the first inch or two of travel) then when the bolt is unlocked the bolt...
I’m guessing design and manufacturing cost of a straight pull are about the same as a semi-auto, and you can sell more semi-autos than straight pulls. I’m also guessing the easiest way for a US manufacture to get a straight pull on the market is to take one of their semi-autos, put a handle on...
It matters to me if I’m holding my rifle the best way. I had formal instruction with 22LR rifles when I was a kid, and started shooting again 5 years ago after not touching a firearm for 30 years, and without any formal teaching. I’m not a grouchy old man (yet) so I’m still willing to learn...
OK I searched for “Gran Torino” and got about a zillion hits, so I don’t know if these exact questions have been discussed before, but:
(Ignoring the finger in the trigger guard, because those gang members might not get off his lawn.)
1. Should the elbow of the support hand be under...
I wonder if deep pocket Al Qaeda supporters are looking at buying night vision equipment and distributing in Iraq/Afghanistan. Or if they are looking at ways to create “flares” in US night vision equipment (i.e. a flash light, possibly with non visible light, that sets off a “flare” when shone...
If I recall correctly he did not kill anyone. Also not sure that is how he spells his name.
I don’t think he was mugged. His version of what happened is five men sat down on the subway car next to/near him and one said “Give me 5 dollars.” He felt he was about to get mugged and said “I have...
As far as a firearm for protection, studies of combat in WW II and several Arab-Israeli wars found most of it happened at ranges of less than 100 yards. (I think studies of other wars came to the same conclusions but I’m not remembering which wars.) Despite the fact almost all soldiers in...
“…and what may never happen”
I like it. Maybe AWMNH can be the new SHTF or TEOTWAWKI.
Anyway archeologists have plenty of examples of societies that fell apart and went back to being primitive. It did not always happen with wide spread violence, although it did often enough. Just about...
[ Off topic but an important safety note, heat degrades latex; carrying a condom in you wallet for more than a few days will cause a failure you don't want. It is OK for the time a typical date lasts, just throw it out at the end (no matter how things turn out) and start with a freash one next...
The White House was officially the “Executive Mansion” for its first 100 years, but everyone called it the White House. President T. Roosevelt changed the official name to the White House to match the will of the people.
"Right" of "wrong", most people refer to the Medal of Honor created by...
Without having read all the replies above, I’ll leap before I look and say:
If she asks you, tell her the truth without flinching.
If she does not ask, I’ll repeat the advice above and wait 5 or so dates and mention it casually in passing. i.e. "I had a good day at the range, shot my...
OK I don’t know if anyone here is going to know this answer to this, nor do I even know why I’m asking, but here goes:
There have been a few cases of solders/marines firing a 30 caliber belt fed machine gun from the hip (not just John Wayne.) I recently read a story of a Congressional Medal...
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