I just saw that ...my main question would be "What is ammo availability like?" I don't reload so I'd be stuck with weights I could get behind a counter or order online.
I wonder how this is selling. Ruger has a reputation for toughness so https://www.buffalobore.com/index.php?l=product_list&c=17 may be the appropriate carry load (Pricey though)
I was thinking of adding a Blackhawk to my stable -- now I'm not sure. The 3" bbl for carry has caught my eye and I...
How ARE The Latest Charter Bulldogs?
Periodically one of my local Academy has a few in stock and I have been eyeing them. I don't reload but don't feel the ammo would break my budget at just a couple of boxes per range time every month or so.
But like everybody else I've heard past horror...
We need to double the population of hunters! :D
The Rossi is the way I'm leaning - figure it in 44. mag would stand up to .44 spl loads - even a BB bore type load better than a CA, which seem to have an iffy rep. But yeah, reason I didn't pick up either is ammo availabilty. No point in picking up a revolver that gathers dust for a month while...
So I check with my local Academy Sports today to see how sparse ammo was and was sorta surprised to see plenty of .38 spl ammo in Monarch or WWB. I mainly carry a 642 so thats cool. No .357/9mm/.45/.22 LR...although the clerk admitted they had lots of 9mm in the morning after the Friday shipment...
Thinking the same thing - once January rolls around and fiscal issues pop into view, I'm wondering if we see the same focus on an AWB. Especially through the holidays and the notorius attention (deficit) span of the American public.
They never bother with "Ladies Day" at our range. When I was in Galveston and went to the Texas City range, pre-911 and Katrina you show up on a Sunday and it was 99% (no kidding ) male and the other 1% were wives just tagging along. Post Katrina it started to inch up to 30-40% female. Some of...
With all the electronic stuff people have hanging onto their belts these days I'd guess Joe Average giving you a passing glance is not going detect anything threatening.
Yeah no complaints about my WASR - it ain't pretty but it DOES go bang every time. The accuracy is satisfactory - call it "minute-of-badguy". :evil:
But the wood upgrade caught my eye if only to be seen carrying less of a battlefield pickup at the range.
How do you think this stacks up? Thinking of upgrading from my WASR10.
The S&W 617 (6" bbl - 6 shot cylinder) was my first handgun 15 years ago - the one I cut my teeth on. I still have it.
When I suddenly had to evacuate Galveston a few days before Ike it was left on the floor of my place, and wound up under water for a week. After I finally retrieved it and...
If ultimately for CHL duty, a SP 101 in 3" bbl would be my recommendation. Rugged and versatile and easily concealable, enough weight to soak up even the stoutest .357 loads.
For range work / home defense a new GP 100 in 4" bbl or (if you could find one) a non-ILS 686+ in 4" bbl.
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