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  1. tuckerdog1

    What are your most fun guns?

    When I take any of these three to the range, I tend to stay longer.
  2. tuckerdog1

    Do you have a colored gun?

    So I watched this ARMED ATTORNEYS video. It kinda made sense. So when I saw a cheap purple Taurus on GB, I nabbed it up. Do you have a colored gun?
  3. tuckerdog1

    Show off your 10mm

    My Ruger SR1911 in 10mm. Also have a G20, but several pics have already been posted, and they pretty much look the same.
  4. tuckerdog1

    Happy Independence Day! Post your BBQ Gun.

    I love the BBQ threads. Always some nice pieces. I don't have anything special, but I'd take this to a BBQ.
  5. tuckerdog1

    Nabbed me a 44 mag

    Thanks for the kind words all. In the past, I first had a 29-2 nickel I got at a pawn shop. To give you an idea of how long ago that was, I paid under $200 for it. I sold it to buy a blue 29-2. This was virtually new. No sign of a turn ring at all. Had wood presentation box, and even the...
  6. tuckerdog1

    Nabbed me a 44 mag

    Had an itch lately to add a 44 mag to the collection. Had a couple in the past, but that was long long ago. Anyway, saw this on Gun Broker a couple weeks back and was lucky enough to win. A 629 no dash 6". I really like the P&R. Just a nice extra detail.
  7. tuckerdog1

    50th birthday surprise

    Somebody loves ya. A lot. Beautiful revolver.
  8. tuckerdog1

    Which 1911, 6" long, has extended rails?

    Iver Johnson makes long slide 1911s. Looks like they can be had in 45 or 10mm, ported or not and quite a few finishes. None seem to come with a rail.
  9. tuckerdog1

    My favorite 357 All Steel Revolver

    My old 353 ( on the left ) shoots real straight.
  10. tuckerdog1

    Tisas Carry 9mm

    I'll be interested with how the DW stacks up against the Tisas.
  11. tuckerdog1

    Alright, what do you all think 1911 decision?

    Have to agree with Jag1954. In that price range, The Magnum Research is really hard to beat.
  12. tuckerdog1

    Ruger mk2 vs mk4?

    Never handled a MKIV, so no opinion good or bad. But very happy with my MKIIs. Don't even mind the cleaning regiment.
  13. tuckerdog1

    Mantis system X10 I believe for pistols

    I do not have the X10. I have the Laser Academy and the Blackbeard. A rail is needed for the X10, and very few of my guns are railed. To answer your question, yes you can dry fire with it. You load the pistol with a laser cartridge. Is it worth it? Depends on how much you use it. You can save a...
  14. tuckerdog1

    Has anyone else flipped the script?

    I like both of those. I have a couple that are always on my list, but never see. In the meantime, others I was never looking for continue to get added to the safe. Congrats.
  15. tuckerdog1

    Question of the day- Fingerprints on fired cases?

    My wife once saw me loading mags with a socks on my hands. She asked why. Told her no fingerprints. She gave me a sideways glance and said "The stranger that sleeps beside me".
  16. tuckerdog1

    The Gun and Knife Picture Show

    This one came with a knife. Sometimes I can be a bit slow. It took me quite some time before I noticed the grips on the knife were 1911 grips.
  17. tuckerdog1

    Old School STi (Show & Tell Time) Please Join

    Pretty sure I've posted most ( if not all ) these pics elsewhere. But what the hell. I like the old single stacks.
  18. tuckerdog1

    What is the last gun that you bought?

    Had this a few weeks now. STI Elektra ( red version )