I stopped for some coffee one morning. My cover garment was an untucked, unbuttoned shirt (over a t-shirt). What I didn't realize, is that things had shifted when I was in the car such that my shirt was tucked in behind the butt of my carry piece.
This was around 06:00, and the Stop & Rob...
Mine hasn't ever threatened me, much less hurt me. It's always polite and respectful to it's elders, and always says please & thank you. You just have to raise them right and make sure they're not using the internet without supervision.
A can of worms is right -
And we can have that debate because of the 1st. How about we repeal that also? Just because our founding fathers found a value in free speech back in the 1700's doesn't mean it's still a good idea.
1A was meant to be a collective right belonging only to the government also. Our forefathers were talking about something like the Ministry of Truth, so just ****.
Ok. Now I'm confused again. Which is it Dick?
al·der·man Listen to the pronunciation of alderman
Middle English, from Old English ealdorman, from...
Their gun clubs are a danger to others the same way Olympic swimming training facilities are a danger to all those kids that drown in their back yard pools every year.
Indeed - playing with a loaded gun probably wasn't the smartest thing they did that night.
Is there more to the report? What you quoted doesn't mention anyone carrying concealed, much less illegally.
I would also question the makeup of the numbers. Note that it doesn't say criminal homicide. All homicides would include every CCW that stopped someone in their home, every LEO that stopped a bad guy, etc.
Not all homicides are illegal.
Which law are they not abiding by in not allowing someone on their property to carry a gun?
While we may hate seeing signs and policies at businesses that create victim disarmament zones, they are breaking no laws by doing so. At least no federal laws. I'd also add that if there are state...
Couldn't agree more. I'd vote for an independent but don't really want to throw my vote away and risk the greater of two evils being elected from my wanting to make a statement.
As you see folks continually pointing out, shot placement trumps caliber. By a huge amount. I've paraphrased this here before, but here it is anyway. I know a firearms instructor, that whenever there's an argument going on about how the 9mm is inadequate, he says something to the effect of -...
Something else you can do, is to get some "No Guns, No Money" to cards to give to the store manager, as well as send in to the owner. (The link goes to a state specific card, but they are out there in one form or another for most states.)
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