spend a bit more and get into the production custom market? Les Baer {LOVE my P2 to death lol, sitting on the coffee table in my holster as I type} Ed Brown ect ect??
Ive found that much like with martial arts women tend to actually listen and not fall back on preconcieved notions about what or what not to do. They actually LISTEN!
"If you dressed like a punk with pants hanging too low with oversized shirts and wearing heavy golden necklaces"
You had me described at time untill the gold necklaces, this aint late 80's early 90's dude. How about be yourself and carry yourself like a man, maybe youll be treated like it.
Well most if not all of the girls/women Im around know I carry, so its not really a big deal for me
Though there have indeed been a few moments when someone has went to give me a big ol' hug or put there hands on my back onder a shirt or coat and found a suprise. Or ran into the butt of my...
"NAMPA, ID-- Five teens from Canyon County and a Nampa woman are charged in connection with a gang-related shooting that left two homes riddled with bullets earlier this month.
Nampa Police arrested the teens for the Oct. 17th shooting on Nampa's Asbury Drive. No one was injured in either...
here is a map of nampa/caldwell gang turf and whilst you note it doesnt show the "hoods" of every active gang its pretty acurate
"but with northside being blue and southside being red,"
youve got that twisted, norte14/catorce gangs rep red/rojo, sur13/trece reps blue/azul.
and yes there is alot of Nortenos in Nampa and Caldwell with deep connections to the bay area.
[11:47] friend: i said ***[11:47] friend: he headbutted me in the face and my nose is broken
sounds like your buddy got in the dudes face and learned a valuable lesson in range and distance.
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