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  1. S

    Annoyed at History Channel show

    O.K. not to be anal but what exactly constitutes a "high calibre" weapon, in theory the term would indicate an acending scale meaning a larger projectile the farther up the scale you go. So how can one call a round that fires a .223 inch, .40-.75 grain bullet high caliber, as I understand, we...
  2. S

    Please identify this ammo.

    It is a 7.62X45 and it is for the CZ-52 auto loading carbine, these rifles were in service from 1952-1959. Possum, your cartridges are not labled properly, they should be from left to right-7.92 Kurz, 7.62X39, 5.45X39, 5.8X42 TJ AK-74, The VZ-58 is chambered in 7.62X39 not 7.62X45...
  3. S

    O.A. Barrel Length Question

    I guess my real question is can you modify an existing rifle by shortening the barrel and permanently attaching a muzzel device, or does it fall into the "As origionaly manufactured" area of BATFE regulations. This is this! It's not something else, it's this! Don't pull it if you don't...
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    O.A. Barrel Length Question

    My question is regarding the legal aspects of rifle barrel length. Does the barrel it's self have to be 16" from the face of the closed bolt, or can you have a shorter barrel with a permanently attached (ie welded) muzzle device (flash hider, brake) that is at least 16" over all. Thanks...
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    AR-10 Type Long Range Rifle

    Well I went to the range yesterday and met up with some guys I haven't shot with in a while, and I had my question answered as to which AR-10. One of the guys there had a DPMS-LR 6.5 Creedmoor, after he noticed me drooling over it he handed me a loaded mag and the rifle, it was all factory...
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    AK Stamped Receiver Build Question?

    Because not all of us who bought a box full of kits when they were dirt cheap have a press or the expertise to use one, or don't trust screws that can strip or work loose. And just becase it ain't broke don't mean you can't make it easier or faster. :D Besides, when we quit asking why, we are...
  7. S

    AK Stamped Receiver Build Question?

    I have a question about AK-47 builds, I know that almost all of them are riveted together and that some people are doing the "screw build" method. My question is why doesn't anyone weld them. There are several types of rifles that are welded together, HK's CETME'S are the first to come to mind...
  8. S

    Woah, is this AR worth it?

    I "built" my first AR a year ago with a DPMS lower and a DEL-TON light weight carbine upper, it has the pencil barrel and I love it! I finished mine for a couple dollars over $500 including an optics mount, a cheap holo sight, and a sling plate.:neener: It has been a great little carbine, it's...
  9. S

    What's Your Angle????

    Ok all you mathmatitians and engineers, what is the optimum angle of deflection for steel centerfire rifle targets? I am looking for the best all around angle for hanging gongs and stationary silhouettes with a variety of calibers (.223-300 mag.) and bullet types (FMJ, HP, SP, & AP) at ranges...
  10. S

    AR-10 Type Long Range Rifle

    So here we are again. Look guys I was asking if any members have had experience with the two rifles mentioned on my OP, I was not trying to start a brand war. I have been looking at this for some time and these two rifles are first, in my budget (this will be a "YOU PAID HOW MUCH FOR THAT?"...
  11. S

    This might be a dumb question.

    I am Right handed but I have a very dominate left eye so I have shot left handed most of my life, when I got older and more finacially able I purchased a lefty bolt gun and hated it, it felt foreign to me. I have discovered over years of target shooting and hunting that we left hand shooters...
  12. S

    AR-10 Type Long Range Rifle

    I am considering a AR-10 type long range rifle, I want a rifle that will consistantly group at 300yds and be a viable 600yd platform. I recently checked out a Remington R25 and I really like it other than the fact that it only comes in camo finish, and it uses AR-10 mags that are not cheap...
  13. S

    PTR 91 or Romanian PSL?

    My vote would be to keep the mags and the ammo, sell the PTR and buy a C91 or a CETME, and some more ammo and mags. I have both and the only ammo that I have ever had issues with is commblock steel cased.(I don't buy it, had some given to me) I'm sure the Century haters will chime in, but I...
  14. S

    Remington 1148 problems

    Thanks Kanook, that was it cycles like a charm now. I am real happy about my $100.00 investment now. :D
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    Remington 1148 problems

    I recently aquired a like new Reminton 1148 12ga, the gun is in near mint conditon with about 95% factory finish, but it will not cycle. I have tried several different loads in it and bolt does not travel to the rear at all with lighter loads and just barely moves with heavy loads. I have...
  16. S

    It takes all kinds!

    Oh sweet irony, this is the level of intelegence that are dealing with. That is about as good as the ASPCA member I heard say that he would rather see someone killed in an car accident caused by a deer in the road than allow hunters to shoot them. This is this! It's not something else...
  17. S

    Mortars? Anyone know?

    I may be wrong and I am sure that I will be corrected by someone more knowledgeable but I think that those are Hedge Hog rounds, the Hedge Hog was an anti submarine weapon used in WW2. It fired a volley of up to 48 high explosive rounds, and was a very effective anti submarine weapon, any one...
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    Is a roller delayed blowback AR possible?

    OK hear we go again, E.M. I will give you the first of your quotes from my posts, I didn't specify that I was talking about full auto fire, and in my experience HK's are more controlable than other FA battle rifles I have fired, mabey there is another reason for this but that has been "MY"...
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    Is a roller delayed blowback AR possible?

    Not in particular, the French have fielded many fine weapons used by soldiers all over the world because that was all that was availible to them;:neener: Chauchat 1935-A MAS-35 MAS-36 MAS-49 And on the collectors side other than the venerable Lebel and Manlicher Berthier, they are usualy...
  20. S

    Is a roller delayed blowback AR possible?

    So.... here we go again, Ford v/s Chevy. Is there no end to the ridiculous point-counter point, mine is better than yours mentality? Do any of you really think that a developed country is going to equip thier military with a disfunctional, inferior, or as some would put it "crap" battle rifle...