It's a 15 year old truck so I'm thinking I either left a rear heater on and didn't notice or some kind of heat from the engine which would be strange but I'm not a car guy.
Ok so I was driving home from the mountains, about an 8 hour drive. I put my new Daniel Defense DDM4 rifle, in its factory case, on the floor of the rear space in my Tahoe, pushed up against the back seats and then piled a bunch of luggage and what not ontop of it.
When we got home I parked the...
I am the opposite. I shoot casually and have a moderate stash of a few different calibers.
I refuse to buy at inflated prices. I'll happily burn through my stash, keep shooting and buy more/reload more later to replenish.
The supply will catch up to the demand, econ 101.
I was talking about grains. My Lyman manual says 11.3 low and 14.9 high. So I thought low-mid would be a good place to start.
I ended up spending over an hour just trying to tune the powder measure and the scale. Finally got it spitting out 12.5 grains consistently when my lady came home...
Thanks to all of you for the fast help.
As to why I should not start near the maximum, is that because its dangerous to the reload process or that it just makes for a heavy recoil shot? Im no stranger to shooting heavy loads(purchased) out of this pistol, just brand spankin new to reloading them.
Hey all,
Brand new reloader here. I have a single stage lee press im trying to get my first batch of reloads through. I also have a lyman reloading handbook.
It came with a "lee safety powder scale" which is a pretty cheap little balance scale. Im in the market for a better scale but...
Hey so I just built this little portable reloading station and I'm getting ready to drill holes for the press and I need some advice.
Ive never reloaded anything before and I was wondering what hand you guys use to pull the lever. Press is a single stage lee classic breech lock...
Hey all,
The gf asked me what I want for christmas, and I'm going to tell her to get me this.
I know nothing about reloading, but I want to tell her to order some dies too so I can get...
I dont think its messed up at all, I'm glad the homeless don't have guns. I live in a beach community swarmed with them and can only imagine how quickly begging might turn into armed robbery if that were the case.
I know this is O/T though, proceed....
As others have said there are MANY different causes of Tinnitus.
For example I have allergy induced tinnitus that comes and goes with my allergies. Say my nose and head is getting stuffed up really bad in the spring and ill have really bad tinnitus with it, to the point I can barely sleep at...
So i've heard.
My dad always tells me, don't worry about being poor in college. After college you will get a good job and have money. Then you will get married and be poor again.
Yes, its actually $2250 but with utilities I end up paying ~$800 monthly. This was one of the cheaper spots around here too. My girlfriend goes to UCLA and lives in Westwood, she pays $800 a month to SHARE A ROOM in a one bedroom apt.
I lived in Columbus, Ohio for my first 2 years of...
I just wanted to share my addiction, and see how many others are like me. I have grown up around guns in my family. I have been fascinated since my dad and grandpa took me pheasant hunting when I was 8 or 9. I bought my first gun last October, SW 686 6 inch. Second gun in January, Ruger...
That is encouraging to hear. I guess I should not have assumed it was "our guys" who were getting old.
Since I live in California, every inch counts. I am pretty jealous of you guys who live in 1 of the 39 shall issue states. But then again, I walked 2 blocks this morning and went surfing...
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