You still save money per round. If somebody doesn't have any self control then I guess it would be easy to do that. I can't shoot enough to not save money. I can reload any of my pistol rounds for $25 per 1,000 rounds. My components are a few years old so it pays to buy in bulk. I reload 223 for...
I have found the cheap Hornady FMJ-BT to be quite a bit more accurate than pull downs. I use 24.7 grains of H-335 with a 55 grain bullet and have very accurate ammo. I have to agree with RC about not starting that high.
Sorry but I'm just not seeing it. For me to load my dry tumbler, tumble and unload it takes me 3 to 4 minutes of my time and I have 600 + clean cases. What you are saying is you can decap 600 cases, load all the chemicals and water, clean, empty and dry and only have 3 to 4 minutes of your time...
That's just my opinion. The wet method is more work and more time involved to do things that are not needed. I also add a little Nu Finish car polish to my media and can store my cases for years without them tarnishing. You can't do that with your cases.
I think the best classic turret kit is at because it comes with everything but the Lee scale. If you already reload then you should already have a scale. Make sure to upgrade to the pro auto disk powder measure.
Well you do save per round. If you just go out and shoot like crazy to shoot up everything you loaded then that's you. Don't figure everybody else is exactly like you because we aren't. Even if I wanted to I couldn't shoot enough to catch up to the factory price so yes I do save.
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Whatever works for you. I have never seen the need for a bullet sizing die on a reloading press. All of my bullets are sized correctly before I start to load them.
I have a lee classic turret press, Dillon 550, Lee casting pot and lee trimmer for 223. I like the classic turret as much as the 550. I use Lee dies on both presses. Very happy with all of my Lee equipment and never had any problems.
I own a Lee classic turret and Dillon 550. I like the CT as much as the 550 and find I use it just as much. At a relaxed pace I can load 500 rounds in three hours on the CT. If that will meet your needs it is a great press. If it won't meet your needs then I would recommend the 550.
Only if it's a ground hub. I have a Fed-Ex hub two blocks from my house. The Fed-Ex ground hub is 50 miles from my house. They would not leave the package at the Fed-Ex hub because it wasn't ground. Since then I always request UPS.
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