I had a 45/410 once. Carried it a few times. Sabbfan is correct on the safety.
I shot a big rattler in my front yard with it and it took both barrels to do it in from about 6 feet. Patterns were awful. We parted company soon after.
I have found the 25 to be vastly more reliable (ignition wise) than the 22LR in handguns, especially in the last 5 years or so. The 44 Henry 1860 and Winchester 1866 got around ignition reliability problems with a firing pin that struck the rim in two places 180° apart. If someone would make a...
I have a super 90 m1 slug gun (rifle sights, NOT ghost ring) that came with that (60516) stock. The comb hight on that stock is for ghost ring sights and made the rifle sights unusable. No problem I thought, I'll just get a shim kit. The shim kit DOESNT work with that stock. I had to buy a super...
I had an American Derringer in 45Colt/.410. Very handy and as small as I'd be comfortable with shooting. Patterns were rotten and it took both barrels to dispatch a big velvet tail that wandered up my driveway. An Airweight J frame takes up about the same pocket space and a 5 round `burst' of...
My old CZ611 is mostly MOA with Wincherster Supreme 30gr, as is a friends Browning TBolt. I always figured that when one of those two grouped a little larger it was me losing focus on technique. Nice to know that i can now blame the ammo!
To me, more than most other cartridges, rimfires seem...
Stay away from synthetics. I saw a guy at the range several years back shooting his 38 Super race gun over a blue wally world tarp. The hot brass stuck to the tarp and when he pulled it loose the plastic was welded to the brass!
I have a book around here somewhere that gives a range of serial number 'blocks`, 3 IIRC, that the Inland M1A1`s could have been assembled in. If your SN falls in one of the blocks it could have been an original para. I have a 5 digit Inland (barrel date 10-42) that falls in the first block of...
Nice review! I've had one for a few years and find it to be highly underrated. Once you learn the trigger pull it's quite accurate and the sight system works better in varied light conditions than you would expect. I had a friend who carried one on duty as a plain clothes investigator in the...
I actually carried a Pocket Nine for awhile. Nothing wrong with the gun. IIRC, they were discontinued because they may have infringed on a Kahr patent and Kahr took exception to that. I sold mine when they started getting pricey.
Around 1972-73 I bought a 'Pasadena' AutoMag. I had to pay full retail...$198 + tax! I traded it for a new Colt SAA. Traded that for a 4" nickle Model 29. Ah, those were the days.
Kinda sad. In '68 the Constellation stopped for a week on our way to Vietnam. I took leave, put my uniform in a bus station locker and lived on the beach in a bathing suit, t-shirt and flip flops. Never had a problem. I guess the Lord really does look after fools, drunks and sailors.
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