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  1. JimKirk

    Rcbs 10-10 scale spring

    Don't think it is really a "spring" per say....but a soft landing device for the left balance arm... saying that... it does look kinda like a leaf spring...
  2. JimKirk

    Remington Primers

    Use 5 1/2 for my 357 SIG... 7 1/2 in .223 Rem.
  3. JimKirk

    Anyone ever use ZIP?

    I had picked up up a bottle only knowing that it was a pistol powder.... the price was right... found it shot really good under the 90 grain XTP.... velocity was a little lower than some the other powders I had for .380... but was still in the 900fps range which is fine ...about the same as AA#2...
  4. JimKirk

    Anyone ever use ZIP?

    Use Zip in .380 (90 grain) & 9mm(115 grain).. Works well... clean...
  5. JimKirk

    9mm Conversion Barrel Options

    I put a Brownell 9 mm barrel in my Glock 31...
  6. JimKirk

    How old were you when you first fired a firearm?

    Around 5 years old... I entered the first grade at 5 years old and had been shooting before I started school ... single shot Remington .22 LR
  7. JimKirk

    243 win eldx powder choices

    Ramshot Magnum would work well with those ... I use it with regular hunting 90 grain bullets ...good accuracy and Velocity... Usually easy to find ...
  8. JimKirk

    32 H&R Loading Accident

    I have had a .22RF case to stick on the sizing/depriming rod of my .223 sizing die... My thoughts is similar to the OP... pistol probably slung it into the bucket with .223 brass... I pickup .22/.22 Mag and .17 RF and melt for other projects I do with brass stuff...
  9. JimKirk

    Loading 357 Sig

    AA#9 is a good 357 SIG powder.... AA#5 is OK, Longshot is great, 800x is great(but metering sucks), Enforcer is good for heavier bullets, HS6(Win 540) is good...there are several other powders that work... but if you want 357 SIG performance, the slower powders above work best....if you gonna...
  10. JimKirk

    Loading 357 Sig

    They claim the 357 SIG head spaces on the may occasionally... But 99% of the time it will headspace the shoulder... Been reloading for it since Glock started with the Model 31... Bullet choice is the main concern... use the bullets mentioned by Vaalpens....
  11. JimKirk

    Starting to reload a new cartridge

    Charl...I shoot a lot of those T.J. Con. bullets. Don't know how they expand or not... but they do shoot well... Powders...I have tried AA#2, AA#5, Titegroup, Zip, Bullseye ... AA#5 & Zip have given me the best groups...but I have a good supply of Titegroup... and it shoots well enough in my...
  12. JimKirk

    Tree Pruning w 28 Ga

    I shot one my model rockets down out of a tree a time or two... does that count...
  13. JimKirk

    Powder preservation

    In the original container... sealed tight, cool and out of Sunlight... It would also be "tradeable" or more so than loaded ammo.... My opinion...
  14. JimKirk

    Show Me Your Lube Shelf

    @lightman "35mm film canister of Cotton Picker Spindle Grease" Tell me about the uses for cotton picker grease... I have about a 1/4 of a 55 gallon drum under my shelter...
  15. JimKirk

    Moderator Fred Fuller has passed...

    Prayers for the Family
  16. JimKirk

    Favorite 25 Cal?

    I have owned and hunted with a .25/06 since 1969.... Currently using 80 grain Barnes TTSX to hunt whitetail deer with ... using RL17 to get 3680 fps out of my 22" barrel... wicked deer killer...
  17. JimKirk

    6mm Remington loading advice

    7 mm Mauser Because that is all the 6mm Remington is.... done so many times ...necking the 7mm down
  18. JimKirk

    6.5 creedmoor for deer

    Place a 100 grain TTSX in the 6.5 Creedmoor..... run the velocity on up to 3150 fps .... Then you will have a pretty flat shooting deer killer with light recoil...
  19. JimKirk

    243 Win. Ammo and loads?

    The 80 grain TTSX Barnes is a really good deer bullet in .243 Winchester and 6mm Remington. Several of my fellow hunters and myself have had very good results...
  20. JimKirk

    Any 243 fans left?

    Lots of deer between several of us using the .243 Winchester... we use the Barnes 80 grain TTSX... 3300fps ...deadly My main deer rifle is the .25/06... which I also use the Barnes 80 grain TTSX... 3680 fps ...deadly... I just killed a nice 8 point weighing 193 lbs.... 15 steps he made ...