How much of a shoulder does your can have to index on? It needs a decent amount to provide the friction to keep it in place.
If it keeps shooting loose, it might be time to send the can to ECCO to have some sort of muzzle brake adaptor put on.
An M-16 can shoot a lot of other calibers like 22 and 9mm for cheap FA fun.
The MP-5 and TommyGun are two of my favorites.
I bought all my FA guns as an investment. So far I am up about 300-400%.
I think I became annoyed with the TAB velcro. I might have melted some. But there was a simple reason why I started looking elsewhere. I just cant remember exactly.
Set it up ahead of time and have a few people try it cold.
Trying to make it where a GM might finish it but a D class shooter wont get stomped isnt going to happen.
The last IDPA match I shot I won overall with a 686SSR. At least thats what the unofficial results had. After the match the scoresheets somehow got "lost." Still makes me chuckle thinking of the delicate egos at play.
Haven't shot IDPA since.
Ahhhh. An "outlaw" match.
Some of them can be a real good time. And some others, not so much.
Contact the match director and ask him some questions. If he isnt willing to engage with you, find another match.
Chances are good that you wont be using both a PCC and a pistol in the same match. Shooting a 223 at steel inside 100 yards is pretty dicey. Not only does the steel get torn up, but the chances of you getting hot with frag goes way up depending on how they hang/mount their steel.
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