Most products claiming to clean or help your leather are garbage. They will make your holster softer, prevent the leather from breathing so it gets mold or other undesirable effects. You're better off doing nothing to it versus using most of these products.
Once a year or so I will use a very...
I paid $625 for my XDs, an Uncle Mike's pocket holster (which sucks, FYI) and two boxes of ammo. I think the pistol itself was $550 but the receipt doesn't say.
I love you, MrBorland, because I never knew there was a push type speedloader for .357 N-Frame.
I also hate you, because my wallet is now $70 lighter. :cuss:
One of the benefits of joining a range with five members only pistol ranges and one members only rifle range is that I can usually avoid shooting with others if I want to. And I usually do - fewer distractions and a lower chance of ending up with an extraneous hole.
You realize you can unscrew all of those as a single unit? That's how I've always done it - unscrew the riser from the powder-through die and install in the next head.
As best as I can tell, there aren't any bad presses being made by the big companies. Some might not do what you want or how...
I got a Lee Classic Turret kit a few weeks back. It's my first press and I really like it so far. I picked it because I wanted to load pistol rounds, knew I would be too lazy to do it on a single station and I'm too cheap to buy a progressive press.
The auto-indexing is fast enough for my...
Keep in mind that not all nickel plating processes are created equal. Electroless nickel is superior to the type of nickel plating most people know, which is applied over a copper sub-plating, as would have been the case with OrangePwrx9's Python.
Hard chrome is probably better but electroless...
I carry an XDs in .45acp every day. In my Alabama Holster Company pocket holster, it disappears in most of my cargo pants/shorts and appears as an anonymous lump in dress slacks. Trying to hide the XDs in jeans is a no-go for me, as much because most jean pockets don't allow enough room for a...
I've always thought about reloading but either didn't have the money or the interest. The shortage of ammo finally motivated me to start rolling my own and now I shoot more than ever. If I don't visit the range once a week, it's because of a lack of time.
tnoutdoors9 on YouTube has done several tests of .45ACP ammo in the XDs, including terminal ballistics. To give you an idea, a Speer 230gr Gold Dot penetrated about an inch less out of the XDs than in a 5" barrel and opened up to .646" instead of .707".
You can poke through...
I've shot just over 700 rounds through my XDs in .45. Never had a failure with factory ammo. My reloads haven't always worked as well but I'm new to the ammunition manufacturing side of things. Use a good grip, don't get gunk in the striker channel and you should be good.
I do experience...
I don't mind the texture but did cover it with a Talon Grip wrap in the rubberized texture. The .45acp model has stout recoil and I needed something to help me get some extra grip. My off hand was shifting during recoil. That and just hanging on tighter helped.
Midway now has extra Lee 4 hole turrets in stock. Useful for those who live in states Natchez doesn't ship to.
Is it so wrong that I sort of hope people believe him anyway, because it means fewer .40S&W cases to sort through while scrounging for my .45acp brass? :evil:
That's what I thought but wanted to confirm before I blow'ded my hand off. I kinda like that hand. :)
Thanks for this thread by the way, one of a number of useful threads on THR that have helped me with this somewhat fiddly process.
I've just started reloading and want to make sure I've got this correct. I'm working on a .45acp load with a 230gr LRN bullet. The shortest OAL that will reliably plunk in my XDs barrel is 1.622. Both of my loading manuals suggest 1.267 to 1.270 as the minimum OAL for the powders I have (Green...
The best place to begin applying these tips is at home, with a little safe handling of an empty pistol. Practice drawing the pistol and assuming a good grip. Acquire a few "targets" (pictures on the wall, whatever), practice your reloads, do a little dry firing, etc while making sure your grip...
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