Striker fired vs hammer fired should make no difference whatsoever concerning accuracy.
Polymer framed vs all metal....I doubt it makes a difference.
I think it's all about the shooter and the trigger.
For what it's worth...
Back in the 80's-90's the Army issued us red lens flashlights.
We were told that red light was harder for the enemy to see at a distance and it was better for light discipline than other colors....and less likely to get one shot by an enemy sniper.
So maybe green is...
My very first CCW was a Glock 22.
Never again.
It was a great shooter, but just way too big and heavy for everyday concealed carry.
Alas, I was inexperienced...
Well, I can currently own as many handguns as I like, but I still only have three:
Glock 43 9mm
Ruger LCP .380
Ruger SR22 .22LR
If I had to give up one, it would be the LCP.
I don't think it would have mattered which pistol you chose (outside of your own head).
But confidence in one's weapon is definitely a factor when it comes to one's own performance.
If bigger is better...then everyone should be carrying a .50 Desert Eagle, or a S&W .500 magnum revolver.
I agree with those above who recommend the Ruger LCP or LCP 2.
This pistol has kicked quite a few pistols to the curb for me.
It's just such a nice combination of size, weight, capacity, caliber, and shootability.
This is not true.
I'm a radiologic technologist and I've X-rayed plenty of folks who had a broken pelvis, and depending upon the severity and area of the fracture, many of them can walk just fine.
If they take two in the chest and continue to attack, forget the pelvic region, just keep...
When I was a soldier I was definitely all about capacity.
But as a civilian I don't sweat capacity so much.
As for caliber, 9mm Browning and above are all fine with me.
This ^^ is all true.
While I wouldn't carry a .22 for self defense, I do like pocket pistols as they're so easy to carry.
But with a small pistol you can only go so high in caliber until the recoil and muzzle-flip becomes too difficult to manage.
I love the Ruger LCP in 380 Auto, but I...
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