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  1. T

    Im a bit torn, Beretta 84FS.

    I absolutely love the cheetah line. I tend to favor the single stack models. The 87 cheetah is one I have been after for quite some time. Too bad they are out of production.
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    New Derringers?

    I wanted one of those Hi Standard Sharps derringer copies from the moment I heard the announcement. Something about a four barrel .22 lr derringer has always appealed to me. Bummer it never came to be.
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    Crimped in primers

    Maybe I am a bit OCD with this but I prefer to decap first, wet tumble, separate the cases by crimp and no crimp with a primer pocket gauge, and process the one that need swaging. Sounds like “many roads lead to Damascus” in this case.
  4. T

    Thoughts on where I see the industry going in 2025/6

    Good assessment. I agree that suppressors will be gaining in popularity into the future. The black gun market has been beat to death and it seems like there is an interest in other than black guns as of late. I hope that trend continues. I have always appreciated things of antiquity myself...
  5. T

    Emailed Speer about lack of bullets.

    I have wondered the same thing myself concerning bullet availability. I have been after their economical TMJ bullets for several years and have never been able to find them in stock. I have checked online snd in local stores to no avail.
  6. T

    Hit the jackpot yesterday

    Good find for sure! With the economy the me way it is currently, a lot of people are picking up their brass and not leaving ad much behind like they used to. I have found that much in a day but usually have to hit several spots. Its nice coming across a find like that.
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    T/C Contenders

    I used to have a Contender with a Super 14 .44 mag barrel. It was fun to shoot but what I really wanted was a .22 long rifle barrel. I now regret selling it but you can’t go back. I almost picked up one of the new SSK 50 receivers but they kept getting pushed back on releasing them. I may hold...
  8. T

    Whatcha gonna do when the well runs dry?

    I was in the process of load development when everything hit the fan so I wan’t that far down the road. I ended up switching from Alliant powders to Hodgdon and Accurate as they are available locally. My advice is to buy it while it is still at a non-astronomical price and stack it deep...
  9. T

    2400 or 4227 for 357 with 125gr cast bullets

    I heard H-4227 was discontinued so I gave up on trying to find some. It looked like the perfect powder for my needs. Alliant powders seem rather difficult to find as well, especially 2400. I ended up trying out Accurate No. 9 powder and was pleasantly surprised by how it did. It was a...
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    Ballistol odor? Doesn't bother me.

    I use it…sparingly. To me it smells like black licorice and wet dog. Not my favorite.
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    Roll Pins: Single Use, Multi Use, or Conditional?

    I teach a two-day AR-15 armorers course. We deal with roll pins a lot. My findings are that when roll pins are frequently used (driven in and out four to six times per class), they tend to last two to three classes. They never lose their spring tension. What happens is the ends always flare...
  12. T

    Rebuilding of Thompson/Center Arms back in New Hampshire

    I watched a long form interview with the guy that bought back TC. He said they plan on starting with the Encore platform and some accessories by the fall to get hunters up and running. I am one of those guys that likes single shots.
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    3D printing, Savage rascal

    I caught the 3D print bug a couple of years ago. Lots to learn. It has come in handy on several occasions.
  14. T

    Any interesting gun stores in Idaho?

    Idaho guns and outdoors just opened in Athol (way up north). There are two locations down south too. Amazing store. I like the fact that they buy/sell/trade. A little different inventory than the typical big box stores.
  15. T

    Once fired .357 Brass costing almost as much as new Starline!

    I have found similar prices as you have. .32 ACP brass is the same situation so I bought Starline instead of once fired. It seems thst they days of cheap anything are gone.
  16. T

    New AR15 upper with issues

    Agreed. ^^^
  17. T

    New AR15 upper with issues

    I wouldn’t call that a tool mark, I would call it a gouge. It is running parallel to the rifling. The gouge is heaviest near the gas hole and gets lighter as it moves rearward. My guess is that there was a burr left over feom the gas hole drilling (which should have been reamed), a piece got...
  18. T

    New AR15 upper with issues

    I teach an AR-15 armorers course. I can tell you that gas key will fail at some point during use. It will stsrt to leak and the bolt will fail to cycle properly. No company should sell a bolt that has not been properly staked regardless of the price. The things that add additional cost are metal...
  19. T

    Has anyone gone to the Sonoran Desert Institute?

    You are right on point a5werkes. Many of the people I went to gunsmith school with ended up gunsmithing as a part time thing. One exception where one could make it a full-time career is if they work for a manufacturer in production. I have found much better money in developing a specialty...
  20. T

    Has anyone gone to the Sonoran Desert Institute?

    I saw a youtube video or two of people that actually attended. Reviews were fair, not raving. I attended a formal institution about 15 years ago and was curious how they compared.