Unless you are putting a death crimp on the brass you should have no problems. If you are worried keep them seperate and adjust your crimp to them and go for it.
It's always been a balancing act between cost and accuracy. In the 66-68ish range and 1 in 8.5 barrel I have had good luck with several different brands of bullet. I now looking at a 69 grain bullets from Rocky Mountain Reloading. About to pull the trigger and order a mess of them as the cost is...
Over the years I have collected a large pile of all things reloading. The urge to actually reload peaks and wains but I always CAN reload with what I have. This fact was most evident this last shortage. Shooting my 38 SPL hundreds of times a range trip or shooting the 223/308 as many rounds as I...
The problem with a bolt that's not trued is when you push down on the brass to resize it it will cant slightly and the brass will never be concentric. Re sizing in thirds or quarters might help but the headstamp area of the brass will still be canted some and the brass will be crooked in the...
True your bolt heads so the brass you are chucking into the guage is true when it chambers. Check the concentricity of your chamber with the bore as well. Try checking the concentricity of a sized brass neck, then again after you seat that bullet. As far as crimping in a bullet, always without...
You guys are giving a lot of credit to critical thinking here! I feel it is almost a lost art since the beginnings of everyone gets a trophy mentality. Thank goodness most mainstreem media is becomming more irrelevent by the day. One needs to read/watch and then do real research on topics to...
Heck no! They might try to classify us as dangerous cause we like to make things go boom! Then we'll have to prove we are normal. That won't go well either LOL.
My favorites are the 5 gallon buckets. They are cast off by many organizations when empty. I got many from repacking home water filtration systems, boiler antifreese buckets, and chain containers (3 GAL) that the local commercial fishermen use to make their nets with. Never had to buy one yet...
I have several sets of CH dies. The company is now known as CH4D and still in buisness. The cardboard boxes mine came in fell apart years ago. They currently reside in Lee boxes cause those were available and cheap at the time. Yours look like my Lyman american dies that came in the old black 2...
The last time I did that I ended up with a TDE 44 AMP pistol. Then had to get reloading dies for it etc. Shoulda purchased a car instead as the novelty wore off after a couple years.
I would also use them in 300 BK but any light 30 cal use would work with the rite propellant. May be too small a diameter for the X39 depending on bore size if you want accuracy.
I have never neck sized only in all the years of reloading. I also set my regular sizing die to just bump back the shoulder about 2 thousands. That is where I find minimal brass working to occur. I do anneal every three reloads with bottlenecked brass to stop the neck from over work hardening...
I remember absoutly destroyimg that Hi Point pistol, but other than following a linky on here or another site nothing compelled me to start watching any of these channels in ernest
For me all things shooter have the biggest influence on accuracy. You going into a match with food in you and reasonable temperatures, lack of wind are the most conductive to a good score/hunt result. Firearm quality and ammo quality also inter into things but not as much as shooter at least for me.
Fair quality bullets for not much money out to 100 YDS always were the Remington CorLokt bullets pay a bit more and you got Hornaday instead. Hope Remington makes component bullets again in the future that match the old ones. As mentioned nobody gives specs on their bullets but style, weight...
In my world hot/ cold is just part of the accuracy equation. The pick of propellant and even the particular bullet also play into this. Some bullet charge combos work best cold with a cold barrel (hunting). Other times shooting on a hot day at targets a whole lot needs a different setup. And...
You are probably safe if the only tool you leave him with is a rubber hammer! But I trust you to do the rite thing LOL
Seriously, anyone that'll jump out of a perfectly good airplane---- I dont have words!!
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