Think there will be any deals for the holliday on .380 100 g. rnfp EXTREMES out of all my .380s i can pluck a hare w/that load oh w231 for the G42 lol! Iknow ive been down for the count but thanks for any info! Thinking i have a ton of the holow points from RMR? Im in a Tizzie
Lol no i was lucky to get it plain and simple. If i had KIds lol it would be a safe Queen. I know mr. Bill you have helped me out w/barel bushing etc.. EGW i believe. Thank you both! Was wondering about how good the tool works. Im not avid but try lol. I was useing 200 g. 45 odd ball MBC 18 bhn...
I would appreciate any help or Input on sight adjustment on series 70 colt nib. vismc star pistol sight vise is what im looking to use. Been loading lead swc w/ MBC 200 gr. w/BE and 45 odd ball 200 @ 5.7/5.6 do very well like the old military round. Really $ wise should i just adjust the sight...
Hey fellas, been awhile hope alls well. Had a bunch going on w/life. Getting back in the the cave and going to set up the SDB. I useally create the load on my T-7 that being said. looking for a were to order and what you might have loaded in the past? Thank you JOHN! Want to try a dewc style...
Who did you purchase from? Thats your review. I did the same thing off of our BST forum as i purchase a ton from our community. trying to remember who.
Rains moving in! and cooler wheather also. Wont be long. The new toys are stacked JR carbine barrel {just installed under lgs air.:) another new G.19 2 tone.
BDS know were i can get a decent price on a J.R. 9mm conversion barell besides there cite? threaded non threaded. 300+ is steep! Shoot me a PM if possible. Thinking it would be a kit as the internels /buffer tube etc. might be differnt. Thank you. John
I paid the price for some .380 from TJ Convera. It was stepped. Man i ate that once shot! RC helped with it to gain tention but they can have 900 rounds back if they want it.
I did what 25/5 mentioned w/my series70 but not going to have the ejection port worked with. was just wondering about a barrel that was economical/cheaper?
Thanks fellas computer been out. was looking to get one on the cheep. midway has the drop in but its never in stock was wondering if any has every used one from them or a good cheapie w/a feed ramp like they advertise? ezeir feed chambering.
I have got a lot of help prior on our our G. S. forum/thanks fellas! as I reload and had replaced parts) b.bushing wolf spring kit etc.. looking for a barell that's a good one for an e z r feed for this oldie! Any input would be cool! Midway is were I would like to find one but?
Yes I sort also. I don't have a lot of used brass in .357 so I tend to get particular also. It is nice to get a box of 50 rnds. of once shot w/a longer length! Was wanting to extend the life of the brass itself length wise but setting dies again and again is just part of it. I have bought a set...
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