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  1. Picher

    The Hunting Rifle Picture Thread

    A couple of the hunting rifles I own. They've all received a bit of accurizing, including action bedding and trigger adjustments/improvements. If they don't shoot tiny groups, they either get improved or traded. These are winners! The third photo is the same rifle as the Second photo...
  2. Picher

    22-250 Questions

    I've been using .22-250s for many years, for both informal target and varmint hunting. It's never failed me! Once, in a remote area, a crow flew overhead almost 100 yards high and I shot, cutting its head off and it glided a few seconds before hitting a tree and falling to the ground. I was...
  3. Picher

    Will pump-action centerfire rifles ever make a comeback?

    In over 60 years of hunting, I've never owned any other type of action but bolt-actions and have owned about 4 dedicated deer rifles, starting with the honorable 30-06 and now, the .270 Win, which shoots flatter and hits a bit harder, due to fast-opening ammo, yet great penetration. I'm on my...
  4. Picher

    " New " Remington 700 Long Range Experience?

    When my buddy Dave and I were hunting varmints like woodchucks and crows...back in the 1950s-60s, we used .30-06 rifles and handloaded ammo that we assembled. My rifle only had a 2.5X Weaver and my buddy had a Win. 70, with a 4X Weaver. Amazingly, we could shoot groups under one inch at 100...
  5. Picher

    Picking up a new rifle this week. Need input please

    Photo of my Remington700 BDL Stainless epoxy-bedded, after-market stock and 3-9X Leupold Variable. It delivers when/wherever called-upon, including a moose at over 200 yards, down a haul road in Northern Maine forests. My Deer-Handloads group under 1-min. and it's easy to carry around, not to...
  6. Picher

    357 Mag for taking mule & whitetail

    Here in Maine, our whitetail deer can be from about 60 lbs to over 200 lbs. Over my deer-hunting "career", I've shot them over most of the size/age range, including a nearly-200 lb buck. Anyone bagging a 200 lb+ buck qualifies for the "Biggest Bucks in Maine" club, for which a commemorative...
  7. Picher

    Long Range Rifle/Scope/PRS question(s)

    As a teen, I bought a Savage 110 in 30-06 and got handloading equipment. A sales guy at the local sporting goods store taught me how to handload and helped me buy the necessary equipment. I only had one centerfire rifle and that was a Savage mod. 110 in 30-06. My shooting buddy and his...
  8. Picher

    Small game rifle.

    My old Winchester 69A, bought (used) at a Lewiston Maine gun show many years ago. It's really nice and the stock may have been refinished, but not so I can tell. It's disposed of more than a few critters, out back. It's also fun to shoot at inanimate targets!
  9. Picher

    My favorite: Rem 700 BDL- Stainless, .270 Win, with after-market stock, Leupold 3-9x scope, epoxy/pillar bedded. Yes, it shoots as good as it looks!

    I don't know why I keep calling her "SHE", because it feels quite manly and shoots strongly!!! In the several years I've owned it, it has performed better than any hunting rifle I've ever had...and I've had some very well-prepared ones. When it comes to hunting deer in Maine, Stainless rifles...
  10. Picher

    My favorite: Rem 700 BDL- Stainless, .270 Win, with after-market stock, Leupold 3-9x scope, epoxy/pillar bedded. Yes, it shoots as good as it looks!

    The light from the window didn't get the forend very well, but it has about the same appearance as the buttstock. She shoots exceptionally well too, but I don't load it for accuracy as much as for deer hunting, etc. It shot a sighting-in target at 100 yards with hunting ammo in the 1/2 minute...
  11. Picher

    My Newest Rifle, CZ 457 Varmint 22lr

    A CZ457 Varmint in .22LR isn't what I consider a varmint rifle. It's sort of a "plinker", in my book and probably not as versatile as a souped-up 10-22, but that's just my opinion, after having both.
  12. Picher

    Most inaccurate rifle I've shot in a long time, and it's a head-scratcher.

    Check my reply done a few minutes ago. John Picher 3/19/2024
  13. Picher

    Most inaccurate rifle I've shot in a long time, and it's a head-scratcher.

    The ammo may have become stuck in the cases, causing variation in pressure. Whenever I want to shoot older reloads, I run them through the seating die, just cracking any seal that may have formed. The accuracy returns!!! Good luck!
  14. Picher

    Most inaccurate rifle I've shot in a long time, and it's a head-scratcher.

    That jumped-out upon seeing the photo. How could anyone who knows anything about rifles/scopes do that? It looks like the person just put the scope on the rifle to provide safe storage for it in a gun cabinet. Only a nincompoop would install a scope like that and think it would work.
  15. Picher

    Most inaccurate rifle I've shot in a long time, and it's a head-scratcher.

    I agree! It looks like the scope mount was set for a different rifle. Make sure it's VERY firmly connected, because it looks like it's just not right!!!
  16. Picher

    avoiding ear damage with powerful rifles

    Darrrrn I thinnnnnkk I dammmmmaged mmmmmyyyyy kkkkeeeeyyyyybbbbboooorrrrrddddd!!!!!!
  17. Picher

    The Hunting Rifle Picture Thread

  18. Picher

    Model 70 Featherweight catch

    It's probably a weird angle of the photo, but my eyes see this scope mounted somewhat crooked on the rifle. The forend narrowing probably contributes to the feeling, but the scope tube appears to be pointing somewhat right of center.'s probably not a great angle of the photo to...
  19. Picher

    The Hunting Rifle Picture Thread

    Rem 700 CDL, Stainless, .270 Win, 3-9X Leupold, Fajen Laminated Stock, Bedded action, floated barrel. Shoots even better than it looks.