This is quite generous and what I was hoping someone would do. For years I had multiple scopes just laying around that were serviceable but didn’t fit my needs. I gave some away in the “pay it forward “ thread but they’re all gone now except a 6.5-20 which wouldn’t be much good on a .22.
I had an old 4x Bushnell Sportview that would have been perfect. It was on my 12 gauge slug gun and held zero perfectly. I would have given to you but it’s already gone. I have an unused scope just laying in my safe but it wouldn’t be suitable for your needs.
Anyway, hope you find something...
A good oil seems to work pretty well on breaking down rust. Your choice of Kroil is one I would have started with also. Other options which may or may not work as well would be ATF or a RO hydraulic fluid. I have been surprised at how well just oil and a terry cloth towel will remove very...
It 5’7” I’m not a big guy. My 7 Mag Browning is not at all unpleasant to shoot even with 162 grain full power loads. It is relatively light. As noted, stock fits me well and has a super squishy recoil pad which IMO makes a HUGE difference
I had a Ruger lever action .45-70. You can load them...
I guess I’d stop and think what I’m really going to do with the rifle if I did invest that much into it. I’d assume it’s never going to be target/benchrest type rifle. I haven’t compared side by side but I sincerely doubt there is a meaningful difference in real world hunting performance.
My hunting partner had a 37 Featherweight that he used for deer. Nice gun but with just regular 2 3/4” Foster slugs it was one of the hardest kicking shotguns I’ve fired
Few years back when I was in the same spot you are i got a Browning X-Bolt in 7 Remington mag. Shoots flat as a varmint rifle. Sub 1/2” groups. Powerful enough for elk, etc. With their exceptional recoil pad, the recoil is quite manageable and I’m not a big guy. I wanted one rifle to hunt...
If you think about it, we complain that we don’t haves any money but the average guy here probably has at least $25,000 worth of guns and another $5-$10 k in related “stuff”
Only in America do we whine that we want/need more “stuff”, then have to rent storage units to hold the stuff we never use
The age old question is “what do you do with stuff that’s too good to throw away but not worth keeping?” I’ve got scope bases for guns that I don’t own any more. Probably 5,000 new and once fired brass, mostly .223 that I got for prairie dog trips that never happened.
I have a Dillon 550...
I assume his response was from a Christian religious standpoint. The correct translation of Exodus 20 is “ thou shall not murder”, that is lie in wait and take an innocent life. Remember, the Israelites killed a LOT of people after Mt Sinai
This would be my approach. There have been many who have the truth on their side but end up losing.
Years ago I knew a guy that wrote a negative report in a relatively obscure magazine. He got sued by the manufacturer and ended up losing almost everything. The one with the deepest pockets...
If you are interested I have a 4 to 10 ounce target trigger for a 700 Remington that I bought years ago, never installed. It’s either a Jewel or Timney, forget now. I think Timney. Nothing to use it on and I’d let it go pretty cheap compared to new
Yeah. But you’re wanting to go back to 1966 with 2024 dollars. In 1966 I was helping bale hay in 90+ degree weather for $10 a day IF the farmer was generous. Some only paid 75 cents an hour.
When I got out of Purdue Engineering in 1973 my first job paid $10,800 a year To start. When I...
I’m too lazy and inept to do a survey here, but someone should start a thread “how many or what percentage of your guns do you actually use/shoot at least once a year?”.
I suspect if people were truthful it would be sub 10%
I‘m 74 and the youngest of all the grandkids on my mom’s side. Her parents survived on their farm through the late 1800’s, 1900’s, and The Depression with a .22 and double barrel 12 gauge.
If shooters only bought what we “need” probably 99% of all guns would go away. We are incredibly...
Supposedly at one time long ago the state record buck for Michigan was taken with a .22 mag
Story was that every morning the deer would eat off a hay stack in the farmers barn lot. Opening morning the farmer cracked open the back door and got it with a head shot
There was a guy at the LGS that planned a trip to Africa. Ordered a CZ in .416 Rigby, which required a 50% non-refundable deposit as the demand for elephant rifles is rather low in northern Indiana. After seeing, he decides he wants the other model they offer and forfeited his deposit.
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