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  1. Capybara

    Finally purchased a VP9

    We here behind enemy lines in California can finally purchase the H&K VP9 as it was finally added to the roster. I rented the VP9L today and loved how it shot. Is there any reason why I would or would not want to buy the VP9L over the regular VP9? This will simply be a range toy for me, I won't...
  2. Capybara

    Hypothetically what would be your choice: Uzi in 9mm w/ 16 Mags or Winchester Lever Action in 45/70 w/ 100 rounds of ammo?

    Oh yeah, almost forgot, my Uzi Carbine had the absolute worst trigger I've ever felt on ANY gun. Even after I sent it to an Uzi trigger specialist gunsmith for the some handwork. That was one more thing that made it so very not fun to shoot. I am a C&R guy, I am very, very familiar with rough...
  3. Capybara

    Hypothetically what would be your choice: Uzi in 9mm w/ 16 Mags or Winchester Lever Action in 45/70 w/ 100 rounds of ammo?

    I just picked up a U22 NEOS 22 pistol in mint condition, would be the perfect partner for the CX4, both look like they were design by Giurgiaro. I also have a Beretta 1301 Tactical that is all tricked out. I'm slowly becoming a Beretta fan.
  4. Capybara

    Hypothetically what would be your choice: Uzi in 9mm w/ 16 Mags or Winchester Lever Action in 45/70 w/ 100 rounds of ammo?

    I owned the exact same model Uzi as show here. I always wanted one, it was nice to own a piece of history. However, with the wood shoulder stock and 16" barrel, it weighed in at nearly 13lbs. It was really no fun to shoot at all as it was so heavy and ungainly and 9mm carbines at outdoor...
  5. Capybara

    What is the last gun that you bought?

    That's a clean Yugo, nice find!
  6. Capybara

    Your 'Rodney Dangerfield' guns.

    Funny, I've been lusting after the PX4, I like the looks and from what I have heard from a lot of reviewers and writers, it's a super accurate and reliable gun. I also have the Beretta 1301 Tactical and love it, I am becoming a Beretta fan.
  7. Capybara

    Your 'Rodney Dangerfield' guns.

    I had one of those, it was a very nicely built little gun. I just sold it because the ammo is really expensive and pretty wimpy so not a lot of bang for the buck if you want to actually shoot it.
  8. Capybara

    Girsan MCP35 High Power

    IF it happens, it's on my list too! I've wanted a BHP for years, couldn't afford one in decent shape, but the Girsan looks like a fun gun at a very reasonable price
  9. Capybara

    Your 'Rodney Dangerfield' guns.

    People generally HATE my S&W M&P12 Bullpup shotgun, claiming it's "only a knock off of the KelTec KSG." If you had shot both shotguns, you'd realize they are quite different in the details. Sure, both are bullpup tube-fed shotguns, but they have many differences in features and feel. I've been...
  10. Capybara

    Beretta PX4 Storm versus APX

    Thanks for your experience.
  11. Capybara

    Random Gun Pics...let’s see how random we can make it

    Thanks! I guess I made a good guess, Italian lines. I never even knew Benelli made pistols! I just know them from Shotguns. Really interesting looking gun.
  12. Capybara

    Beretta PX4 Storm versus APX

    Good to know. At the rate I shoot at, it would take me many years to reach 50k rounds through one gun.
  13. Capybara

    Beretta PX4 Storm versus APX

    I def wouldnt CCW with the PX4, I already have a Shield, Shield Plus and Ruger Max 9 for carry. I have my G17 on my CCW but I rarely carry it because it digs into me when I sit down while at a desk or driving with it. PX4 would be a range gun, mainly to have fun with. If I ever do try...
  14. Capybara

    Beretta PX4 Storm versus APX

    I just watched the TFB TV video but the PX4 Storm has been on my radar because I am becoming a Beretta fan. I just recently bought a 1301 Tactical Shotgun and tricked it out and I love it. That got me thinking about a Beretta pistol. I like the rotating barrel design as I am a C&R guy and I like...
  15. Capybara

    Random Gun Pics...let’s see how random we can make it

    I give up, WTH is that? Mauser or Italian or ?
  16. Capybara

    Beretta PX4 Storm versus APX

    Hi all: I am in California and we have recently had some new additions to our Handgun Roster that we can actually buy. The Beretta PX4 Storm has been on the roster for many years, I've shot it a few times and like it. It's accurate, easy to shoot, well built. I am told that we may be getting...
  17. Capybara

    What did you score in 2023?

    I bought a few new toys in 2023 A very nice Radom P64 A Romanian TTC Tokarev that I dressed up with some new Marschal grips to cover a safety hole A Bulgarian Makarov And in a concession to plastic guns, a Ruger Max 9
  18. Capybara

    What do you do if you see a grail Gun?

    As someone who has shot quite a few full autos, I agree. F/A are very fun but once you had shot one a lot, you'd question why you wasted $24k on a gun? Ever since ammo prices went insane, even for primers, I have no more desire to shoot F/A. Just go to a place that rents them, go nuts for a day...
  19. Capybara

    What did you shoot today?

    Took this Italian out to play, shoots like a dream with the Kick-Eze. Highly recommended if you're a shotgun guy!
  20. Capybara

    What is the last gun that you bought?

    Bought this little minx from Bulgaria last year. Have always liked 'em, had a few, got divorced and had to sell them, so the Bulgarian is a replacement.