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  1. Reeferman

    44mag accuracy

    After a few shots to zero in I can hit a 12”X12” steel plate at a hundred yards pretty much every shot after. These days though I rarely shoot full magnum loads with a 5-1/2” Blackhawk.
  2. Reeferman

    Anyone prefer revolver sights over semi-auto sights?

    I don’t know if its sights but I find I shoot revolvers much better than any of the semi auto pistols I have. The only exception to that is I can shoot my 1911’s as well as my revolvers.
  3. Reeferman

    45c load development and casual observations

    I’ve used Herco in 45 Colt a longtime. With a Lee 250 FP 9.5 grains of Herco shoots the same as 8.5 grains of Unique out of a 7-1/2” Bisley and both very accurate. I never could get 231 to work as well as these two powders.
  4. Reeferman

    Lubricating Black Powder 45 Colt Reloads

    I have. Both in my trapdoor and 45 Colt. You still need to lube with bp lube. I never had issues with leading with the handguns but with the trapdoor. I need a .463 diameter to minimize leading. With a thin powder coat leading is no more and accuracy is really good. It works for me and that’s...
  5. Reeferman

    Just venting a little bit and man I am not a fan of Lena Miculeck right now lol…ugh

    I don’t see anything wrong with any of it. Looks like a good price for what you get. And “oh gasp” I think the pistol looks pretty good. Would get one for my wife if we didn’t live in commie Canada.
  6. Reeferman

    First ever try at indoor bullseye!

    I’ve had both shoulders done as they were both ripped badly especially the right one. Even though they are both so much better than when they were ripped my days of shooting a pistol one handed are long over. Course being 67 doesn’t help either.
  7. Reeferman

    Glock Oiling, How Dry

    I tried lubing the Glock 44 I have the way Glock said to and had issues with some cheaper ammo. Started lubing it like I do with a 1911 and it hasn’t had any issues with any ammo I shoot now.
  8. Reeferman

    In general, what's the longevity of pistol brass?

    I have some Federal and Winchester 38 special brass that has been loaded so much the head stamps are getting hard to read.
  9. Reeferman

    Had a powder clog in my Hornady powder measure.

    Don’t know if it would help your situation or not but every now and then I run some powder graphite through all my powder measures and make sure to get some on the plastic hopper as well. I live in a very dry climate most of the time and static can be an issue here. With the graphite it stops...
  10. Reeferman

    Had a powder clog in my Hornady powder measure.

    I have three Hornady powder measures two on LNL AP presses and one on a powder stand and have never had that happen. I also use a lot of Bullseye in all three. Am I assuming correctly that you painted the inside of the body above the rotor?
  11. Reeferman

    Okay, I missed that Lee has a new powder dropper

    Have you tried Unique or Herco in it?
  12. Reeferman

    Pipe kinetic bullet puller

    Does anyone remember the kinetic bullet puller made from iron pipe that I believe was in an NRA article from years ago? I had the instructions on building it but can’t find them.
  13. Reeferman

    Looks like Paul Harrell is coming to the end of his road...

    What I’ve always enjoyed about Paul is when he goes after the losers who try to trash him.
  14. Reeferman

    S&B .38 Special, tight primer pockets

    I have several dozen each of S&B 9mm and 38/357 brass that I’ve had same issue with. They are all in the oddball brass can.
  15. Reeferman

    Suppressor should not cost this much!

    Consider yourself lucky that you can get a supressor.
  16. Reeferman

    Pot Luck .357 brass… suggestion?

    I wouldn’t shoot the wad cutters but disassemble them. As far as them and the primed brass try a couple to see if primers fire then load some test loads.
  17. Reeferman

    9mm brass not worth saving....?

    Lee U die works for me. I had several thousand once fired American Eagle brass from several cases of new ammo I bought that no matter what I tried with Hornady or RCBS dies I had setback. The U die solved that issue for me. Those cases have been loaded several times and haven’t had any splits yet.
  18. Reeferman

    357 Cast Loads

    I don’t worry about the cost as I enjoy casting, reloading and shooting. I haven’t smoked or drank for decades and the money I saved from not doing either more than pays for it plus I’m healthier and happier.