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  1. Hokkmike

    Older guys - when/how do you decide to sell your guns?

    Thank you ALL for your replies. Still, and likely will be for a while, pondering.
  2. Hokkmike

    Older guys - when/how do you decide to sell your guns?

    I have moved to a semi urban area, at least compared to where I used to live. Also, I am up in age. I have some guns decorating the inside of my safe. I will always keep my CC and at least one rifle. But the others, I don't know. The money I could get from them might serve me better in other...
  3. Hokkmike

    Rifles that aren't as horrible to shoot without hearing protection

    Many rifles - two ears. No reason not to wear protection at the range.
  4. Hokkmike

    Glock 42 or S&W Bodyguard 2.0?

    Have carried the original Bodyguard and the 42. The Glock is far away the better of the two guns. And, yes - it fit easily in my front pocket with an Alabama holster. No experience with the BG2.
  5. Hokkmike

    Should I do this trade

    The fact that you're asking here tells me you have doubt's... DON'T!
  6. Hokkmike

    Did Your Gun Safe or Gun Cabinet (RSC) Foil A Burglary Or Fail To? We Want To Know . . .

    A safe or cabinet can both be compromised. The idea is to make it too hard, inconvenient, and time consuming to be worth the bother.
  7. Hokkmike

    I'm new here but I'm old

    The new old is 85. You are OK.
  8. Hokkmike

    Less than 60 days to a major election and no panic buying. I'm Surprised!

    Why worry? - Kamala is a gun owner! (sarcasm)
  9. Hokkmike

    Lever action rifle - fast action, western in appearance, suitable for deer hunting, in a more ubiquitous caliber, and of a quality build. Which one?

    Leaning towards a .44mag. As far as I know, not available in M95 Winny. There is a Rossi nearby - mixed reviews. Marlins seem to be the way to go. Thanks....
  10. Hokkmike

    Ruger .22 Charger thoughts?

    Some pretty good discussion here. The problems of worrying about which state one might be in when having a handgun I the car, which the Charger is, seems to be problematic, I like the compactness and think it looks cool. The reviews are mostly good. But, a smaller semi rifle might suffice...
  11. Hokkmike

    Ruger .22 Charger thoughts?

    Looking at a Ruger .22 Charger at RK. Anybody hav experience with this pistol?
  12. Hokkmike

    Point of impact change from different shooters.

    I had sighted in a Winchester 6.5x55 with a Leupold scope. Most accurate rifle I ever had. Let an exchange student from Germany shoot it. His first shot broke a pill bottle in 2 at 100 yards. I used to regularly hit postage stamps at 100 yards with it. I'm not bragging. It was the rifle and the...
  13. Hokkmike

    How accurate is an AK47?

    Sorry, I meant 150 yards!
  14. Hokkmike

    Gun Shop Loyalty

    These people need to make money. It is not always about cutting you a break. It is: 1. Fair and competitive prices - 2. Helping you out when you have a problem - (service after the sale) 3. Trusting you enough to hold something for you for a few days without a down payment - 4. Selling you...
  15. Hokkmike

    How accurate is an AK47?

    Having shot many - think small paper plate at 150 yards if you are good.
  16. Hokkmike

    Recommend an AR for a short person....

    Looked at this gun. The barrel liner looks fragile and worries me a little.
  17. Hokkmike

    Recommend an AR for a short person....

    What AR would you recommend for a short person with smaller arms and hands? I'm thinking of short and light - something akin to a Smith & Wesson Model 15 in .22 caliber, but in 5.56 or the like. I am actually thinking about the .22 itself, but recognize the limitations of that round. Your...
  18. Hokkmike

    Bayonet on rifle? Yes or No?

    They look cool, enough reason to add one, but are impractical.
  19. Hokkmike

    Man accidentally shot and killed in gun shop

    Was within 30 feet or so of a young hunter who fired a shot while unloading his deer rifle. His dad was closer - I think they had a talk......