I meant to add, before you do anything, check out Mark Novak's Youtube videos ("Anvil" channel). He's done several beater guns by boiling them. I've tried it (on rusty boat parts, not a gun) and I swear by the hair of Trump, it actually worked!
Don't know about chemicals, but instead of steel wool use this stuff, which won't harm whatever bluing is left (I promise): https://the4570book.com/shop/ols/products/stainless-ribbon-steel-cleaning-pad
...in the Jacksonville Florida area. I'm new in the area and haven't found much of interest. There's a shop on University Ave that carries a small selection of smokeless powders (no black, apparently) but that's about it. Nothing else for reloaders. Not many places to shoot either, except a...
Just noticed this thread. My guess: load your revolver and then shake it back and forth. You will hear a rattle as the cartridges slide within their chambers. There must be just enough headspace slop to allow the motion. Then, upon firing, the case head slaps against the recoil shield, and...
Until a month ago I was only an hour from KTP and shopped there many times. If you're from New Hampshire and you buy a gun at KTP, they will carry it to a little hut they have across the Piscataqua and you can take delivery there; this avoids paying Maine sales tax. Saved me a few dollars...
I can highly recommend this product for rescuing a badly leaded barrel. Just wrap a bit around an old, used-up bronze brush and grease yer elbow!
I've owned two SKSes over the years and both did the same thing: two halfway decent groups in one sitting, several inches apart. Brownell's Acraglas cured them both, and afterwards both could shoot into the 9 ring reliably.
So, Mr. Override, you moved into your son's basement, I conclude. BZ!
Until today I have been at home in southern NH and can confirm there aren't many sandpit areas that aren't actually in the business of selling sand. Any open space you find is likely to be either wetland or a park. You're...
You are correct, sir.
All other things being equal, it would have to. But things are not normally equal, and I'd bet the case mouth grabbing deeper into the crimp groove would have a greater effect. If the shorter round doesn't show signs of pressure, why worry?!
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