Non-fiber-reinforced thermoplastics simply can't handle the stresses and temperatures that are typical of most firearms applications.
Other materials work better.
I have cast frames and other parts from aluminum and black iron using the lost-wax process for black powder guns and they have held...
-I was getting ready to go hunt down some other boxes of .308 when I vaguely remembered picking up half a dozen boxes that were tossed in with my Chinese M1a... .
Had to pass on something that I really wanted to buy.
A nicely sporterized 1895 Ludwig Loewe Mauser carbine in 7mm with a reshaped and checkered stock and clean rifling, beautifully reblued overall.
Problem is, when they dressed off the crest they also ground off the serial numbers... .
I have ten safes full of classic rifles.
I have no interest in over-stressing any of them with an over-pressure load... and having one blow up in my face.
-And, yes, I reload my long guns to appropriate pressures.
I've picked up junked safes and RSCs, as well as various kinds of other steel storage cabinets.
Some got recycled, others repaired and either sold or put to my own use, a few were cut up for steel and parts.
Nothing that I've seen that was marketed as a stand-alone gun safe was really secure.
I was given one of these by my neighbor, a 91-year-old Navy veteran who had been using it to cut catfish bait for forty years.
I value it in old John's memory, but it's in pretty rough shape...
I bought mine because its price was lower than the cost of the scope, bipod and other accessories that came with it.
Basically, the little carbine was free...
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