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    Gun safety when selling on line

    The prospective buyer never showed up. I guess that tells me what I needed to know, trouble avoided.
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    Gun safety when selling on line

    These are all really good suggestions, thanks for posting them. I decided to use the Police Department parking lot. I called them and they said "fine, bring it on over"
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    Gun safety when selling on line

    I am selling one of my guns to someone I met on a gun trading website. What safety advice can anyone give me to be safe and ensure I don't become a crime victim and get robbed or shot or other.
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    South Carolina Car Carry

    I may be moving to SC next year and I currently live in GA. I have about 5 or 6 hand guns I will need to transport. I currently do not have a GA conceal carry permit (or one from any where else). Last I recall, in SC, you have to keep a handgun in a locked compartment and out of reach. Is this...
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    Storing Guns

    I am selling my home and will have prospective buyers trapsing thru my home when I am not there. It's just me and my wife living there, so I don't have a gun safe. I want to store them somewhere where nobody will see them or even have an inkling there are any guns in the house. I thought about...
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    Shipping a handgun across state lines

    A family member of mine who lives in SC accidentally left a handgun at my house (I live in GA) while visiting. They would like to get it back without driving 5 hrs. to pick it up. Can I ship it to them via FFL even though I am not the owner of the gun?
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    Selling my progressive press

    I am thinking of selling my Dillon 550B press. This is due to the fact that I may be moving from a large home to a small apartment or condo where I won't have room to reload. What is the best way to ship it, preferably, still assembled.
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    M&P Magazine Release Issue

    Do you know where I can get an extended or aftermarket mag release
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    M&P Magazine Release Issue

    I have an M&P CORE 9mm, 5in barrel. For some reason, when I am shooting competitively, the magazine will eject out of the bottom of the grip instead of loading the next round. at fist, I thought I just had a defective magazine. Now I am starting to think I am gripping the gun to tight and...
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    Magazine pouch advice

    Which kind of mag pouch belt clips attachments are best? BLADE-TECH TOTAL ECLIPSE BLADE-TECH SIGNATURE COMP-TAC
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    Magazine pouch advice

    I noticed that most mag pouches require a minimum 1 1/2 inch belt. I have a 1 1/4 inch belt at home that is very similar to a gun belt although it is not. Is this going to be problematic or should I go ahead and get a 1 1/2 inch one. What kind of issues could arise by using 1 1/4? This is for...
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    Holster needed for S&W M&P CORE

    I called Blade Tech and talked to customer service. In the drop down box where you select the model of gun it has an entry for S&W M&P 9 Pro Series but makes no mention of CORE or the size barrel (4.2 or 5.0). I ask the CS rep about it and she said she would go check. She came back and told me...
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    Holster needed for S&W M&P CORE

    It would be for competition and Kydex
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    Holster needed for S&W M&P CORE

    Can someone suggest a holster for my M&P CORE 9mm 5inch barrel gun. I prefer OWB that I can thread a belt through rather than a paddle holster. Also, one minor detail, it has a red dot sight mounted on it so that holster needs to accommodate that
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    Magazine pouch advice

    Jim: Is that Blade Tech Eclipse pouch for outside the waste band or inside?
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    Magazine pouch advice

    I like those Blade Tech ones shown above. Two should be enough. Do the ones shown in you post require a tactical or some kind of special belt? To give you a little background, the gun range I shoot at has a bowling pin shoot a couple times per month that I participate in. For iron sight guns...
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    Magazine pouch advice

    I need to get a couple of magazine pouches to use at a competition I participate in. I have never used magazine pouches before. These would be used with a S&W M&P CORE 9mm Pro Series. Any recommendations would be appreciated, especially those that I can purchase on line, say at Midway or...
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    Steel case ammo

    Fortunately, I only bought one box
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    Steel case ammo

    I have never used steel case ammo before. Today I went to a sporting goods store in my town that has been getting some ammo in about once or twice a week. They usually sell out of it within 15 minutes after the store opens. However, when I go there today, 10 minutes after they opened, they had 1...
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    CZ handgun I drank the Kool-Aid

    I had heard the buzz about CZ's for a while but never got around to buying one. Mainly because I don't shoot DA/SA trigger guns very well. Then,about a year ago, I found a CZ75 B SA, so I bought it. I love that gun. Many people compare the CZ 75 and the Sig 226 (which I also previously owned). I...