a lot of brass prep was to uniform out run of the mill brass. not so much rws, norma or lapua match brass. i used to do primer pocket depth and ream the flash holes. i recently aquaired a annealer besides.
...looks like you are starting with some of the best and most expensive stuff. may not be...
universal(clays) does me for unique,,,,, titewad for red dot, not a replacement but fills the same roll.
..... but alas i bought powder starting 50 years ago instead of beer and cigs.
i love 5744. always check book listings. i use it in 45 70, 3855, 30 30, 32 win special. reduced in a 7x57 (thinks it is a varmint rifle). my last 270 loved it too.
all cast bullets at gong shoots. the swiss is gonna get a dose of it too.
edit to clarify how well it works for me. the 270 and 7...
at first a shotgun is a shot gun. alas like any endeavor the more you jump in, the more you lean to more specific tools. what the heck, might as well. just saying.
i reload because it beats sitting around talking to all the other oldsters about what i used to could. i like sea stories (navy guy) but i am still alive right now. new cartridges, new guns etc. why would i sell or ignore what i worked my whole life to accumulate now that i finally can do...
first time you have a bobble head moment and dissemblobalate a favorite gun you will embrace a single stage press all over again, just saying.
been using a rock chucker for resizing since 1978. have two lee presses next to it to speed things up...
junk yard (landfill) effie, mn. mini 14. red squirrel in a box. emptied a mag at the box. red squirrel escaped unscathed.
btw red squirrels are on the shoot on sight vermin list, totally unprotected.
i have both a 6arc and a 6.5 grendel. view the the 6arc as a slow 243. (not all the 243s i have had hit stated velocity)
...accuracy wise the 6 is in the top 10 or so best i have had. includes heavy barrel varmint guns, 300 meter target gun, nra match rifles. that would be the only other gun...
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