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  1. GooseGestapo

    Remington UMC .223

    FMJ that’s not even mil-spec has a well deserved reputation as “blasting” ammo. Something that goes bang and makes a hole. The .22-250 ammo mentioned above used a high quality flat based hollow point bullet that was intended for shooting small rodents up to coyotes at medium ranges.Ive got...
  2. GooseGestapo

    .38 special

    My Taurus revolvers have superior triggers compared to contemporary S&W’s as they come from the factory. Neither my M76 .32H&R mag, nor my M856 have even had the side plates off. All my S&W’s have had trigger jobs. All have aftermarket grips, however.
  3. GooseGestapo

    257 Wby Mag vs 6.5 Wby RPM

    I’ve got a.257WbyMag. It’s a Weatherby Vanguard w24”bbl. I’ve taken a few deer with it and find it excellent. Honestly, though I wouldn’t recommend it to the casual hunter/shooter. I bought the rifle lightly used for $250 in 2006. Ammunition was the issue. Ammo was over $50/box of 20 even then...
  4. GooseGestapo

    7.62x39 cast bullets in a AR?

    The 160gr Lee bullet was originally designed for the 7.62x39. So, every thing still applies. Max velocity with a 160gr in a 7.62x39 is around 1,900fps, so no problem with cast. Though best accuracy is with ammo that will just make the action cycle normally. Cast is best for blasting ammo, but...
  5. GooseGestapo

    45-70 first timer

    H335 will do that at low to modest pressures. Only my 6.5grendel doesn’t have loud muzzle blast and unburned fouling (and of course.223) with H335. Particularly bad is my.358win Browning BLR. Extruded powders work better at .45/70 pressures. 4198 is a favorite, but so is 3031. My cast loads use...
  6. GooseGestapo

    7.62x39 cast bullets in a AR?

    You didn’t state which cartridge, but possibly you’re referring specifically to.300BO. I’ve shot far more cast than jacketed through my .300BO upper. Got it just for that reason. My favorite bullet is the Lee 160gr .311” PtGc that I cast from a 6-cavity mold. I’ve used #2400, LilGun, H110...
  7. GooseGestapo

    Do you sort your rifle brass before reloading it?

    Depends on cartridge and rifles. .30 Carbines? I tumble, size, trim and load! .223Rem match? Sort by headstamp, weight; keep middle 80%. Ream primer pockets, primer flash hole, size trim, and lightly neck turn before first loading. My RRA NM AR15 shoots 3”groups at 600yds… Most rifles, I sort...
  8. GooseGestapo

    Taming a 7mm Mag

    I bought a new Remington M700 SPS (same as the ADL) from Walmart 2yrs ago when Remington folded (again) in 7mag. ($250 otd!). I’ve found it to be a remarkable rifle. 26”barrel, and a decent trigger. After shooting an assortment of ammo and now having around 250rds down the barrel, accuracy is...
  9. GooseGestapo

    Fluted barrel

    If fluting has no benefits, why are machine gun and auto cannon barrels fluted? Sniper rifle barrels are fluted as such to maintain stiffness, but to also reduce overall weight. To see a Bradley Bushmaster cannon in use is an awesome thing. The barrels in fire fights become cherry red at the...
  10. GooseGestapo

    257 Roberts

    The 110Accubnd and 110Gr Hornady haven’t given me decent results. They’re marginally too long for the 1/10” twist. I’ve taken over 100deer with my M98 Mauser Custom, mostly with 100gr bullets and most are the Hornady 100gr flat base PtSpt. Others are the 100gr Sierra Game King and Speer HotCor...
  11. GooseGestapo

    .38 special

    I have a Stainless Steel Taurus M856. Bought about a year ago. It’s anything BUT rough and gritty! It’s better out of the box than ANY S&W I’ve ever owned. It also hits POI/POA at 25yds with a 148gr WC. I’ve also got a M76 Taurus that besides being slick as snot, is as accurate or more so than...
  12. GooseGestapo

    New AR upper. 6.5 Grendel?

    I’ve got a BCA. 20” HB w/Helical flutes. It shoots well, and is improving as barrel breaks in. However I’ve not shot it recently as I bought a Howa 1500mini in 6.5G. For hunting I’d go with the 6.5G For punching paper, I’d go 6ARC. BUT then I’d probably go .22 as bullets are even cheaper. Both...
  13. GooseGestapo

    Can 380acp be better than 9mm?

    I really like 3.2gr of #231 under the 95gr Lee RFN. 2.8 gives me occasional short strokes. 3.5 is max, but I can feel the polymer frame flexing. So, 3.2 is it for me. Duplicates European factory loads.
  14. GooseGestapo

    Can 380acp be better than 9mm?

    I lost my concern and gained new respect for the.380. One night several years ago I was driving home and came up on a grown buck lying in the road. It had obviously been hit by a car but was still alive and thrashing, attempting to get up. I exited the car and approached it, whereupon it managed...
  15. GooseGestapo

    Light weight rifles for elk hunting! They aren’t the answer.

    Age plays a HUGE factor too. In 1978 I won the Alabama State cycling road race, 102mi race. 3rd in 25mi time trial. Invited to participate in the Olympic development program for the ‘80 Olympics. When after I retired in ‘04, I had no problem trekking the mountain sides in Colorado. I ran 5-10mi...
  16. GooseGestapo

    .35 Remington and LVR

    Yes! I like it. It’s about like BLC2, but gets a bit more velocity. Not quite as accurate as H4895, but H4895 is now for practical purposes unavailable. The LVR we get isn’t the exact same blend that Hodgdon uses in their factory ammo. What we get is in essence the.30/30 blend. But, it’s close...
  17. GooseGestapo

    Is a 10lb hunting rifle too heavy?

    When I was 20 something a 10lb rifle was nothing. My Interarms MkX was 10.3lbs. Shot my first deer with it in ‘76. In ‘23, in Wyoming, I would not get out of the truck with my Rem700 7mag @9+lbs. I would have my REM M7 in 7mm08 @7lbs exactly. In ‘22, I hunted Utah for elk with my Colt LtRifle...
  18. GooseGestapo

    Nu Finish

    Used Lizard litter works really good. The ammonia makes brass Really shine! Though I’m told it may leach out some of the copper making it really brittle! 😱 UR, EMM, should I say I’ve used walnut hull media but prefer corn cob due to softer shine…Nu Finish with Mothers Metal polish… run for...
  19. GooseGestapo

    imr 3031

    I’ve used 3031 for over 50yrs! It’s actually given me outstanding results in the.308. Not the highest velocities, but unless you’re shooting long range in high winds it’s great. It’s on the quick burning side for the .308, but that makes it economical. For blasting or moderate distance hunting...
  20. GooseGestapo

    257 Weatherby sizing

    Check the OAL of the case. It’s 2.545” most OFB is longer. Case body is @.514” you shouldn’t be getting binding. I’ve had to trim all my brass to get to SAAMI OAL case length after the first firing. The belt is the same size as the case head @.531”. Ahead of the belt is .512”. I use Lee...